Coffee review

The new member of Starbucks Classic Coffee, Fu Ruibai, makes a new appearance.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Australian specialty coffee Flat White, which originated in the 1980s, has recently been officially unveiled in China by Starbucks under the brand-new name Freibai. The full-bodied and sweet Starbucks espresso combines smooth milk and polka dot drawing skills, making this famous coffee coruscate the beauty of simple art. As the first addition to Chinese mainland in more than a decade.

The Australian specialty coffee Flat White, which originated in the 1980s, has recently been officially unveiled in China by Starbucks under the brand-new name Freibai. The full-bodied and sweet Starbucks espresso combines smooth milk and polka dot drawing skills, making this famous coffee coruscate the beauty of simple art. As a classic coffee category added by Chinese mainland for the first time in more than a decade, Frieber will bring a unique new experience of espresso to coffee lovers in China.

The mellow charm of the refined espresso

The core essence of Frappie lies in the sweet and rich Starbucks essence espresso (Ristretto Shot). In addition to consistently choosing the high-quality Arabica beans that Starbucks purchases, roasts and provides to customers around the world, espresso is extracted in a different ratio from conventional espresso (espresso shot), with the same grindness and powder but with less water through the coffee powder. As a result, the espresso extracted has a rich flavor and full taste, and its subtle sweetness gives the refined espresso a bit more bitter flavor.

In addition, the milk foam required by Furebai is more dense and smooth, bringing an unprecedented silky and rich enjoyment to the taste buds. When the dense milk foam, slippery milk and mellow espresso collide and blend perfectly, the fragrant white with rich milk flavor makes people have a long and meaningful artistic conception.

The beauty of simplicity in the art of polka dots

A perfect cup of fragrant white should not only contain the essence of espresso, but also need the ingenuity of star baristas to make Ruibai elegant from the inside out.

Enthusiastic star baristas rely on their professional skills to boil smooth and dense milk, blend it into rich espresso, and finally end with milk white dots, which amazingly presents the simple beauty of Ruibai. For coffee lovers, the star barista's finishing touch is a new beginning of a mellow experience, and the interlaced temptation of vision and taste makes it difficult to resist the impulse to taste it.

Rich and sweet espresso and the elegant craftsmanship of star baristas redefine the fragrant white of Starbucks style. When the passion for coffee and the pursuit of art merge into a work of aesthetic ingenuity, Furebai, together with other Starbucks coffee drinks, has prepared every cup of mellow coffee for Chinese coffee lovers.