Coffee review

This smart cup can keep the coffee warm all the time.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Ember looks like a traditional insulation cup, but with advanced insulation technology built in, the temperature can be easily adjusted by rotating the bottom. Tencent Kevin (Tencent Home Telecom) winter is approaching, the weather is getting cold, perhaps the most unpleasant is just made or bought a cup of coffee, not finished before the cold. At this point, you may need an intelligence like Ember.

The Ember looks like a traditional insulation cup, but with advanced insulation technology built in, the temperature can be easily adjusted by rotating the bottom.


Tencent Kevin (Tencent Home Telecom) winter is approaching, the weather is getting cold, perhaps the most unpleasant is just made or bought a cup of coffee, not finished before the cold. At this point, you may need a smart thermos such as Ember.

The Ember looks like a traditional thermal insulation cup, but with advanced insulation technology built in, the temperature can be easily adjusted to reach the desired value by rotating the bottom. Of course, it is powered by a battery and can be recharged when placed on a special base. Ember also integrates a Bluetooth connection, which can be connected to a smartphone, and the application can set the cup temperature, preset heating time, etc., to keep your coffee at the right temperature at all times.

Ember is currently raising money on crowdfunding sites, and if all goes well, the final retail price will be $149.

Source: digitaltrends