Coffee review

What does the MY ZONE COFFEE join brand rely on to quickly realize the national layout of round A financing?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In this special era of upgrading and embracing the Internet in various industries, everyone is busy with transformation, looking for projects and looking for investment. This is especially true in the catering industry. Many foreign intruders have brought brand-new ideas to the whole industry. Emerging brands continue to emerge, traditional brands have been reformed, and competition has intensified. In this relatively chaotic market, MY ZONE COFFEE (my local coffee)

In this special era of upgrading and embracing the Internet in various industries, everyone is busy with transformation, looking for projects and looking for investment. This is especially true in the catering industry. Many foreign "intruders" have brought new ideas to the whole industry. Emerging brands continue to emerge, traditional brands reform one after another, and competition intensifies. In this relatively "chaotic" market, MY ZONE COFFEE (my local coffee), a theme coffee brand, quickly realized the A-round financing of the Urban Hotel Group with the following "secrets", laying out more than 200 stores across the country. It can be used for reference to the whole industry.

In the past 10 years, the development of the coffee industry in China is obvious to all. From the beginning when a small number of people show the consumption pattern of petty bourgeoisie, to the instant coffee made by the whole people, to the widespread public acceptance of high-quality freshly ground coffee, many coffee shops have sprung up. Data show that coffee shops across China are increasing at a rate of 10% a year. The result of the rapid increase in the number of coffee shops in a short time is the serious homogenization and the lack of the core competitiveness of the customer group. in this regard, the playful coffee brand MY ZONE has carried out systematic innovation from the aspects of brand positioning, location, decoration, products, training and so on, which has won the hearts of investors.

Coffee shop as a leisure restaurant, the atmosphere of the coffee shop itself is very important. At present, the mainstream coffee shop in the market except Starbucks business convenience store type is Korean leisure coffee shop these two styles. MY ZONE COFFEE is based on the consumption habits of today's mainstream coffee consumers, such as white-collar workers and students. For coffee, they not only pursue more and more rich taste and diverse tastes, but also pay more attention to their own emotions and pay attention to the embodiment of their own value. Therefore, they use a clear theme culture to attract the established new generation of consumer groups. Create a cartoon animation characters, with humanized, interesting fun culture to infiltrate consumers' lives, online and offline to create comics, animation, games, gifts and other cultural industry chain. As a result, it forms a differentiated characteristic which is different from many coffee brands.

MY ZONE COFFEE's rich storefront property form determines the flexibility in site selection. MY ZONE COFFEE has many types of stores, such as mini stores, boutiques, flagship stores and so on. In the area of 5-400 square meters, according to the specific conditions and wishes of investors, as well as the region and culture of the city where the stores are located, MY ZONE COFFEE carries out personalized customization, covering all aspects of the bustling business district, railway station, community, school and other different areas, and opens shopping malls, street stores and stores with unified style and different characteristics.

MY ZONE COFFEE's teaching team, which has worked for more than 10 years, and the teaching demonstration store covering an area of 300square meters, continue to research and develop new products according to customer consumption and market trends, and constantly replace fancy coffee, pastry snacks, beverages and fruit juices, giving customers continuous freshness and all-round choices. In addition, MY ZONE COFFEE regularly provides systematic and practical training for investment franchisees from store site selection to decoration design guidance, to data analysis, marketing plan guidance, personnel management, cashier management training, personnel technical training and so on.

As a rare standardized and themed coffee chain brand in the market, MY ZONE COFFEE's distinct brand culture, customer positioning, flexible store types and nanny support for investment franchisees have realized the coffee dream of many investors, which is the reason why it has won the financial support of the Urban Hotel Group to quickly distribute 200 stores across the country.

Source: Shenyang Metropolitan Network