Coffee review

Coffee is also produced in Huizhou, Guangdong. Coffee beans brought by Taiwan businessmen are cultivated and germinated in Huizhou.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee beans cultivated in Huizhou. Coffee beans cultivated in Huizhou. Our reporter Huang Tao Chen Chunhui (Reporter Huang Tao Chen Chunhui) I have heard of Hainan coffee, and Yunnan coffee is also known. Have you tried Huizhou coffee? The reporter learned yesterday that African coffee is also quietly planted on many hillsides in Huizhou. After years of trial, it is now known as African coffee.


Coffee beans cultivated in Huizhou.

  在惠州培育出来的咖啡豆。    本报记者黄桃 陈春惠 摄

Coffee beans cultivated in Huizhou. Photo taken by our reporter Huang Tao and Chen Chunhui

A (Reporter Huang Tao Chen Chunhui) I have heard of Hainan Coffee and Yunnan Coffee, so have you tried Huizhou coffee? The reporter learned yesterday that African coffee is also quietly planted on many hillsides in Huizhou. After years of trial planting, this kind of coffee called Arabica is growing well on the land of Huizhou.

Taiwan businessmen bring coffee beans to nurture and sprout in Huizhou

In an orchard in Happiness Village, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, under the rich longan trees, green shrubs with small red or green fruits are planted. When these fruits are picked and roasted and ground, they will emit a unique fragrance. These are coffee beans.

It was Shen Rongfa, a Taiwanese businessman in our city, who brought these coffee seeds to Huizhou. "I found that people in Huizhou also love coffee, and coffee has a high economic value, so I want to see if I can grow it in Huizhou." In 2007, Shen Rongfa brought coffee beans to Huizhou from Taiwan. This coffee bean, called Arabica, was originally an African variety, but it was introduced to Taiwan at the beginning of last century. Shen Rongfa brought coffee beans and then cultivated them in Huizhou. "this will enhance the adaptability of coffee."

After cultivating coffee beans into seedlings, he planted more than 8000 coffee seedlings in different topography in Longmen, Boluo, Zhongkai and other places, and compared them in order to find out the best environment for coffee growth. To his surprise, these coffee seedlings adapted to the soil and water in Huizhou and began to hang fruit one after another three years later. At present, the coffee seedlings of Zhong Kai and Boro are growing best.

A 3-year-old coffee plant can produce more than 3000 fruits.

Coffee prefers half-light and half-shade to a humid environment. According to this characteristic, Shen Rongfa asked people to plant coffee seedlings under trees. In addition, the selection of hillside to plant coffee seedlings, good drainage is conducive to the growth of coffee. "the acidity of the soil has little effect on coffee beans, and even I can grow them well on the rooftop." Shen Rongfa said.

Arabica coffee can hang fruit after 3 years, and there will be more and more fruit after 5 years. These coffees begin to hang fruit every year in the ninth month of the lunar calendar for a period of one and a half months. A three-year-old coffee plant can produce more than 3000 coffee beans. After tasting it, Taiwanese who are used to drinking coffee also think that the coffee made in Huizhou tastes good. "at present, this kind of coffee is very suitable for the growth of Huizhou, and if it can be promoted, it will be a great blessing for farmers." In addition, Shen Rongfa said that coffee plants are beautiful, flowering and fruiting are very ornamental, and can also be developed as bonsai.

Li Huiling, deputy director of the Municipal Agricultural Technology extension Center, said that coffee beans have not been planted on a large scale in Huizhou history, and coffee beans are a new crop in Huizhou. To judge whether a kind of fruit tree can be popularized or not depends on the following aspects: first, the key point is to be able to bear fruit; secondly, it depends on the quality, and only if it can reach a certain quality can it be popularized; finally, it depends on the yield, and the yield reaches a certain level. high-yield cultivation techniques and measures also depend on whether they can keep up. "the initial promotion should meet at least the first two conditions, and the large-scale promotion should meet these three aspects."

Source: Huizhou Daily