Coffee review

The present situation of the protection of the former homes of celebrities all over the country: setting up business places and being reduced to courtyards

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, [introduction]: a few days ago, the news that the main building of Chiang Ching-kuo's former residence in Hangzhou has been transformed into a McDonald's has attracted attention. In fact, Starbucks opened its business in the subsidiary building of the former residence more than a month ago. A few days ago, the news that the main building of Jiang Jingguo's former residence in Hangzhou was transformed into McDonald's attracted attention. In fact, Starbucks opened its business in the subsidiary building of the former residence more than a month ago.

[introduction]: a few days ago, the news that the main building of Chiang Ching-kuo's former residence in Hangzhou has been transformed into a McDonald's has attracted attention. In fact, Starbucks opened its business in the subsidiary building of the former residence more than a month ago.


The main building of Jiang Jingguo's former residence in Hangzhou has become a McDonald's.

A few days ago, the news that the main building of Chiang Ching-kuo's former residence in Hangzhou has been transformed into a McDonald's has attracted attention. In fact, Starbucks opened its business in the subsidiary building of the former residence more than a month ago.

The former residence of celebrities has rich historical and cultural value and should be properly protected, but in fact, even the former residence of modern celebrities, which has been preserved for a short time, is also faced with all kinds of protection dilemmas, such as the private construction of Wang Guowei's former residence is serious. Tian Han's former residence has been reduced to a large complex, Feng Youlan's former house has been abandoned and weeds grow wildly, and so on, the survival situation of many modern celebrity former homes is worrying.


The main building of Jiang Jingguo's former residence in Hangzhou has become a McDonald's.

Set up a business place: the former residence of Jiang Jingguo in Hangzhou

Recently, McDonald's officially opened in the former residence of Jiang Jingguo in Hangzhou, which has once again attracted the attention of many netizens and the media, according to CCTV. Com. It is understood that the former residence of Jiang Jingguo in Hangzhou is a western-style brick and wood villa, composed of two main and deputy buildings, completed in the 1930s, close to the West Lake in Hangzhou. Its main building is now a McDonald's restaurant, while the subsidiary building opened Starbucks more than a month ago. At present, the main and auxiliary buildings of Jiang Jingguo's former residence in Hangzhou have been artificially separated, and if people go to visit, they must go outside and enter the main and auxiliary buildings respectively.

When Starbucks opened, many people worried that the opening of commercial venues would destroy the history of the old buildings. According to the Qianjiang Evening News, Rong Yuzhong, secretary-general of the Hangzhou Ancient Capital Culture Research Association, said, "the former houses of celebrities around the West Lake are part of the West Lake World Cultural Heritage." Protection should be given top priority, its social benefits should be brought into full play, and it is not advisable to become a cafe. "


Photo of Chiang Ching-kuo's former residence in Taiwan Source: People's Daily overseas Edition

It was also revealed that another former residence of Chiang Ching-kuo in Taiwan would open a travel agency, which also sparked social discussion. According to People's Daily overseas Edition, the "Jingguo Qihai Cultural Park" centered on Jiang Jingguo's official residence will build a "scholar hostel" for scholars participating in academic seminars.

A foundation for the operator of the park explained that the hotel is not available for ordinary tourists, but only a hostel for scholars to hold academic activities at Chiang Ching-kuo Library and rent for researchers here. This was planned at the beginning of the competition for the right to operate. The manager of the park said that the plan to build the hotel is still under review and has not yet been finalized, and the operator has been asked to provide a more detailed supporting design.

In addition, No. 8 Xinlin Academy of Tsinghua University is the former residence of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin when they were teaching here. In 2011, it was developed as a coffee shop, but because of poor business conditions, by the end of 2014, the coffee shop had changed owners four times. Fortunately, the gray wall remains undecorated.


Tan Sitong's former residence has been reduced to a dilapidated courtyard Photo Source: legal Daily

Reduced to a large courtyard: Tan Sitong's former residence and Tian Han's former residence

Tan Sitong's former residence, located at 41 Hutong in the northern half of Beijing, was announced as a cultural relic protection unit in the district in 1986, the Beijing News reported. The low, dilapidated courtyard and two badly painted red doors left traces of mottled white advertisements. Sundries in the courtyard are stacked everywhere, hanging the clothes of the residents. According to a resident in the hospital, there are about 30 families living here. Outside the "Mangcangcangzhai" where Tan Sitong once lived, the windows have been tightly sealed with transparent plastic skin, and the door is closed. The roof was overgrown with weeds, and the pillars had long been painted, with only lines.

According to a staff member of the neighborhood committee of Fayuan Temple, where Tan Sitong's former residence is located, Tan Sitong's former residence belongs to the "direct management of public housing", and the property right is owned by the Housing Administration, so the repair work and daily maintenance are part of the management of the Housing Administration. In addition, the Heritage Bureau has not proposed a renovation or renovation plan with the neighborhood committee. The staff said that due to the concave topography of Tan Sitong's former residence, it was easy to get water on rainy days, and the living environment of the residents was poor.


Tianhan's former residence in Beijing has become a courtyard photo source: Beijing Morning Post

From 1953 to 1968, the Tian Han family lived in three north rooms at 9 Xiguan Hutong in Beijing for 15 years. Now, it has become a big courtyard. A reporter from the Beijing Morning Post visited the place in March this year. "the door is a tricycle with a lot of sundries on it." The courtyard was almost packed out by all kinds of temporary buildings and became a narrow aisle. The appearance of the old house is still there, but it is all wrapped up by the small houses that have been built. Bicycles and gift boxes during the Spring Festival are all piled up in the aisle. There is also a wire flying over the narrow courtyard with autumn clothes long johns hanging on it. I approached three north rooms, some of which were uninhabited and stacked with sundries. But the doors are locked and there is no sign of retreating.

After investigating the current situation of Tian Han's former residence, Shan Mingxiang, director of the Palace Museum, put forward a proposal to upgrade the protection of Tian Han's former residence at this year's two sessions.


Photo taken by Lin Hui, reporter of the Evening News of the legal system staggered by cables above Wang Guowei's former residence in the West Hospital of Tsinghua University.

Private construction and destruction pattern: Wang Guowei's former residence and Qian Zhongshu's former residence

No. 42 and 43 of Tsinghua West Hospital are the former residence of Wang Guowei. In December 2014, the legal Evening News reported, "go down the narrow aisle and see many houses, large and small." The exterior walls of the building include gray bricks and red bricks from last year, as well as slates that look very new. Some houses are equipped with anti-theft windows and doors, and all kinds of cables are staggered to climb up the wall from the ground. There are rooms for rent in the courtyard, and similar notices are posted on the walls. One of the rooms is rented by graduates of the Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts to make a college. It usually holds salon activities, but it has basically maintained its original appearance, but it has also been decorated and some space has been built out. "

Ayi (Zhou Yijun), a famous host and associate professor of Peking University's Xinchuan College, is full of worries about Wang Guowei's former home. He once posted on Weibo that the private construction of Wang Guowei's former home was so serious that it had destroyed the original pattern and could not find a good-looking background.

The same is true of the former homes of celebrities in Tsinghua Xinlin Academy. Along the road, there are fruit stalls, barber shops, photocopying shops and laundries, and advertisements for rent, home appliance maintenance, house building and decoration are posted on the walls of the old house. The path between the courtyard was potholed, and the clotheslines thrown from the eaves were randomly tied to the trees. Mr. Zeng, a retired professor, said that the gray-walled bungalows were privately built by residents and rented to students taking the college entrance examination or postgraduate entrance examination. "some celebrity former homes are constantly renovated, and there is almost no trace of history." The former homes of Qian Zhongshu and others are now being expanded at will, and it is not clear which room they have lived in. "


No. 50 Yannan Garden has become a rental house legal Evening News reporter Lin Hui photo

There is a Yannan Garden in the south of the campus of Peking University, with 17 buildings scattered, mostly two-story buildings, numbered from 50 to 66. Historians Xiang Da and Luo Bozan, physicist Chu Shenglin, economists Ma Yinchu and Chen Daisun, philosophers Feng Youlan, Tang Yongtong, geographer Hou Renzhi and many other leading figures in the academic circles were once residents of Yannan Garden. When a reporter from the legal Evening News visited the No. 50 courtyard in December 2014, he saw bicycles, plastic sheets and clothes stacked against the walls. There are two beds in a room, and the tenants are both postgraduate students and those looking for a job.

Dilapidated and abandoned: Feng Youlan's former residence and Ju Simin's former residence

Unlike other courtyards in Yannan Garden, Feng Youlan's former residence, Sansong Hall, was abandoned. After Feng Youlan died, his daughter Zong Pu lived here. Now the door of the hospital is locked, and the legal Evening News once reported that the ground was covered with fallen leaves and weeds were growing all around. According to an uncle who patrolled here wearing a red armband, it has been vacant for some time.

In May 2014, a reporter from Jinan Times visited the former home of Ju Simin, an educator known as "Cai Yuanpei of Shandong". Although there is a "cultural relic protection unit" sign outside the door, it is dilapidated and few people pay attention to it. Ju Simin's former residence is located at 105 East Lane, Jinan County, mixed with many snack bars, only one meter wide.

The small gray tiles on the door have a simple flavor, but the tiles have fallen in pieces and there are weeds. Ju Simin's descendants had previously sold the east house, south house and west house in the courtyard to others, leaving only the north house. There are three stone steps facing the north room, with a rolling curtain and a lock hanging from the door. There are no large furnishings in the house, only a wooden bed, a recliner and a table. The wooden beds and recliners were covered with dust. Due to disrepair, there was a big hole in the roof in a corner of the house, and there were traces of being soaked by Rain Water on the wall. There are two rooms on the west side of the north house, and the outer one has some sundries neatly arranged, and the roof is not leaking. The house on the inside is so dilapidated that I don't know if it can be described as a room. I've seen a convertible before, but this is the first time I've seen a 'convertible house' like this. This is how a reporter from Jinan Times described it.

The former residence of Hou Baolin, which used to be visited for free, is now closed. A notice saying "interior decoration, no visit" is posted on the door. Photo taken by Beijing News reporter Zhou Gangfeng

According to the Beijing News, Hou Baolin's former home in Beijing has hardly opened in recent years. Due to damage to the house, the death of the only caregiver and other reasons, the former home can not be opened, it needs to be repaired as a whole before visitors can be welcomed. Representatives of the Dongsi Ertiao community neighborhood committee said that during the heavy rain on July 21, 2012, it was attacked by Rain Water, the roof collapsed and a large amount of stagnant water poured in, which may cause the ground to move down and affect the personal safety of visitors, so it was closed.

Demolished: Chen Jingrun's former residence, Liang Lin's former residence

Luli Village, located in Chengmen Town, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, is located at the junction of urban and rural areas, Guangzhou Daily reported. With a long history and a large number of talents, the village is the hometown of mathematician Chen Jingrun. In 2014, because of the construction of the railway station in Fuzhou, the village of Luli was expropriated and demolished, and the whole village was almost demolished. The village was devastated and covered with rubble. Chen Jingrun's former home in Luli Village was demolished overnight.


The original location of Liang Lin's former residence was photographed in the eyes of the enclosure hole. Source: Guangzhou Daily

In recent years, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin's former homes in Beizongbuhutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing have been demolished one after another, which has aroused strong concern from all walks of life. In 2014, a reporter from Guangzhou Daily revisited the site of Lianglin's former residence and saw that in addition to several inverted houses (the southernmost row of houses in the courtyard) that were urgently repaired in 2012, the three-story building built in the 1980s had been demolished. The relevant person in charge of the Dongcheng Culture and Culture Commission said that the restoration plan of Liang Lin's former residence has now been basically finalized and will be completely restored in the original site on the basis of Lin Huiyin's manuscripts. The seesaw battle between "demolition" and "protection" of Lianglin's former residence seems to have been settled.

The security guard at the site said that the inverted house was built as early as October 2012 and took about three months. At the end of 2011, the upside-down rooms on the southernmost side of Liang Lin's former residence were demolished, and after more than half a year of silence, they were ordered to return to their original state. More than 70 years ago, this famous building facing south and entering the courtyard has been demolished and built beyond recognition.

How to build a benign mechanism conducive to the protection of celebrities' former homes?

"if the former homes of celebrities are not well repaired and protected, there must be financial problems." Tan Zhihong, a fourth-generation descendant of Tan Sitong (great-nephew and grandson), said in an interview with the legal Daily that the comprehensive development and utilization of the former residence is not enough. Some of the former homes of celebrities simply set up a sign. except for local residents, there is no way for the public to know the context of the former residence. While some former homes are lost in the courtyard, not only in disrepair, but also the phenomenon of reconstruction, private construction is also more serious, and even the residents generally do not know that celebrities have lived here.

Many people in the industry also believe that at present, there are some problems such as unclear definition of protection principles and lack of relevant legal provisions in celebrity former residence, especially the lack of legal definition of "celebrity" and "celebrity former residence". Lack of corresponding access standards, declaration procedures, screening mechanism.

"the biggest deficiency in the protection of celebrity former homes is the lack of laws and regulations. This includes that the basic concept and legal status of the former residence of celebrities need to be clarified; the identification and examination of the former residence of celebrities should establish legal procedures, in addition to the cultural security department, ordinary people, experts and civil society should also have the right to apply for recognition. " Tan Zhihong said.

However, in Tan Zhihong's view, the protection of the former residence of celebrities or at least Tan Sitong does not have any obstacles in laws and regulations, and the relevant legal basis is relatively sound and perfect, and the problem lies in implementation. "this involves the coordination and division of work among many departments, such as the construction planning department and the cultural relics department. The cultural relics department also said that the renovation of the former residence is not the biggest problem, it can be renovated as old, and protective development can be carried out, but the withdrawal and resettlement of existing residents is beyond the scope of their authority. " Tan Zhihong said.

But in fact, although the protection of the former residence of celebrities belongs to public affairs, the participation of social forces with non-governmental protection groups as the core is also indispensable.

In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party and 22 members have jointly proposed that we should speed up the legislative process and refine the responsibilities, rights, and interests of administrative departments, former residence managers and users. In addition, social forces should be encouraged to participate in the protection of celebrities' former homes, support the establishment of relevant non-governmental public welfare organizations and charitable organizations, define their roles through laws and regulations, and build a benign mechanism conducive to protection. Set up a unified logo for the former residence of cultural celebrities in Beijing and mark it in a conspicuous place on the street. Publish "Atlas of former residence of celebrities in Beijing", "Map of former residence of celebrities in Beijing", open up a network of former houses of cultural celebrities in Beijing, and publish basic information, bus routes, profiles of celebrities, etc.

The proposal also proposes to raise funds from society to do a good job in protecting the former homes of celebrities while giving priority to government financial funds. We can learn from the practices of Shanghai, Suzhou and other places to rent and sell some former homes of celebrities to private owners on the premise of signing legal documents and ensuring that the original structure and original style of the former homes of celebrities are not changed. through the transfer of property rights to promote the protection of former homes of celebrities and expand new ways of protection.

Source: people's Daily online