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Wechat moments went viral: give you a Starbucks thermos cup? Is it true or false? Starbucks responded.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks responded: there is no organization to authorize such activities, citizens should be careful to participate in the article / photo Yangcheng Evening News reporter Liang Xitao only needs to forward Wechat articles and give you a Starbucks thermal insulation cup worth more than 200 yuan for free. Early yesterday morning, many people's Wechat moments were scanned by a number of Wechat official account articles about the Starbucks Insulation Cup. According to the content of the article, citizens only need to close

Starbucks responded: there is no organization to authorize such activities, and citizens should be cautious in participating

(by Phil Newell / photos by Liang Xitao, reporter of Yangcheng Evening News)

Just forward the Wechat article and give you a Starbucks thermos cup worth more than 200 yuan for free.

Early yesterday morning, many people's Wechat moments were scanned by a number of Wechat official account articles about the Starbucks Insulation Cup. According to the article, citizens only need to follow the official account and forward it to get a Starbucks thermos cup.

In this regard, Starbucks Guangzhou official said that similar events are not officially sponsored or authorized to host, the public participation should be cautious.

Brush the screen



"follow and forward to Starbucks Insulation Cup."

"get the Starbucks insulation cup for free." The reporter saw that the articles on the official account that were widely forwarded by the public were roughly the same, all related to the gift of Starbucks Insulation Cup. The article publishes beautiful Starbucks insulation cups and introduces the functions of these cups. At the end of the article, it is mostly listed that citizens can get a thermos cup free of charge in a prescribed way. "if you press the QR code for a long time, you can participate."

Compared with the prices of Starbucks insulation cups in Guangzhou stores, the reporter found that the Starbucks insulation cups involved in the web page are basically this year's new insulation cups, each priced between 100 yuan and 200 yuan. Although the weather in Guangzhou is still warm at present, according to the weather forecast in the middle of this week, the temperature in Guangzhou will enter a cold and humid state. The free official account article of Starbucks Insulation Cup suddenly appeared and attracted the attention of many citizens. The Yangwan reporter found that similar articles occupied the moments of many Wechat users in Guangzhou from about 8 a.m. to 12:00.

The official account of "free delivery" is not formal.

Some careful netizens found that similar activities do not seem to be formal.

"Why are so many official accounts forwarding articles in the same format?" According to the reflection of netizens, the Yangwan reporter found that the contents of the articles that were brushed on the screen looked the same, even the text and pictures were the same, but they were not sent by the same official account. Click on these official accounts, many of them have keywords such as "Starbucks" and "cup", but these accounts are personal official accounts, not official Starbucks official accounts. More strangely, the reporter found that at least two official accounts that forwarded similar content were registered on October 26.

"that activity doesn't seem to be very reliable." At about 11:00, citizens who tried to participate in the event began to "remind" other netizens who forwarded similar official account articles on Wechat moments.

Mr. Li, a citizen who participated in the event according to the content of the official account, said that after following the official account, he would receive a new message, "the official account asked me to forward and share the article to the moments, take a screenshot of the mobile phone page containing the forwarding and sharing moments and send it back to the official account, and then reply to the number'1' to continue to participate in the activity." Mr. Li said that instead of taking screenshots as required by the official account, he replied "1" directly and was given the opportunity of "free delivery". "the official account will push a page to me and ask me to fill in my personal information such as my name, address, contact information and so on." At this point of operation, Mr. Li felt that something was wrong. "I can continue to participate in the activity without taking screenshots as required by the official account. I don't think the information I entered is personal, which I think is not very reliable." Mr. Li immediately canceled his attention to the official account to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Starbucks said it had no such activities.

For the screen-style "follow forward is to send Starbucks Insulation Cup" event, Starbucks Guangzhou official said that the public to participate in similar activities need to be cautious.

A head of the public relations department of Wechat in Guangzhou said that Starbucks uses Starbucks official account for its activities in China and will use official account "Starbucks China" to push messages. "the 'forward attention to send Starbucks Insulation Cup' activity currently being held on Wechat moments is not organized by our company, nor do we authorize others to hold similar activities." The person in charge reminded members of the public who want to participate or have already participated to participate in similar activities with caution.

The reporter learned that some citizens found that the activities were irregular and reported on the Internet. By the afternoon of November 30, many articles and their official accounts that had been frantically forwarded in the morning had been blocked by Tencent.

Source: Sina News Center