Coffee review

2015 China International Culture and Art Fair designated CAFFE PASCUCCI as the only coffee supplier

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 2015 China International Culture and Art Fair (Art China 2015) is an important part of the third Huimin Cultural consumption season in Beijing. The exhibition covers an area of 13000 square meters and has a total of 10 venues, covering classic works of art by Chinese modern and contemporary celebrities and powerful artists, as well as contemporary art works by relevant art institutions at home and abroad (galleries and museums). And exhibited Biga for the first time.

2015 China International Culture and Art Fair (Art China 2015) is an important part of the third Beijing Huimin Cultural consumption season. The exhibition covers an area of 13000 square meters and has a total of 10 venues, covering classic works of modern and contemporary Chinese artists and contemporary works by relevant art institutions at home and abroad (galleries and museums). And for the first time exhibited the paintings of five world-class masters, Picasso, Mark Chagall, Henry Matisse, Pier Renoir and Andre Delan. More than 8000 works of art are on display during the three-day exhibition, and the exhibition, venue setting and lighting all create a strong artistic atmosphere. Even the only official coffee supplier is CAFFE PASCUCCI, a century-old art coffee brand from Italy.

2015中国国际文化艺术博览会指定CAFFE PASCUCCI为唯一咖啡供应商

The exhibition is a grand event in the art world, and it has become a large gathering of many domestic and foreign artists because of its diversity, diversity and distinct style. At the exhibition site, in addition to Chinese artists, there were also artists from France, Germany, South Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Indonesia, North Korea, Myanmar and other countries, which once peaked the art index of the venue. As the only officially designated coffee supplier for the event, CAFFE PASCUCCI, a famous Italian century-old art coffee brand, was also popular at the scene and was welcomed by many artists.

CAFFE PASCUCCI is a century-old art coffee brand from Italy, founded in 1883 and managed by the ancient Italian PASCUCCI family from generation to generation. In the course of more than 130 years of development, CAFFEPASCUCCI has always adhered to tradition and innovation, focused on the spread of pure Italian coffee culture, carried forward the traditional Italian jacquard technology and become a unique symbol of the brand, conquering France, Russia, South Korea and other 28 countries and regions in the world, with more than 1500 stores in the world. The 2015 China International Culture and Art Expo is a collision between art and art. On this cooperation, the head of the CAFFE PASCUCCI project said: "We are very pleased to participate in this event to witness the prosperity of China's art and culture market." It is the honor of CAFFE PASCUCCI to become the official supplier of coffee, tea drinks and bread for the event, which coincides with the concept of "artistic coffee" that has been practiced since the brand's founding for 130 years. In the future, CAFFE PASCUCCI will participate more in China's art and culture industry. "

The dialogue between traditional art and contemporary art, the perfect combination of emerging science and technology and culture and art, works of art and art coffee complement each other, rich content and various forms of live activities, together constitute this art feast.

Source: TOM