Coffee review

Never believe what your eyes see, is it wood or cake? Feel the art of coffee cake

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Never believe what your eyes see, just like when you see Hello Kitty, you think she is a cat, but in fact she is a girl; and the wood you see, they are delicious cakes. This wooden cake, made by talented cake artist Elizabeth Marek, has every detail of tree grain, dry and white bark, and even after the cake is cut open, it pays attention to delicious layers.

Never believe what your eyes see, just like when you see Hello Kitty, you think she is a cat, but in fact she is a girl; and the wood you see, they are delicious cakes. This wooden cake made by talented cake artist Elizabeth Marek, with every detail of tree grain, dry and white bark, and even a delicious checkered sponge cake after cutting the cake. It is enough to amaze the carefulness and craftsmanship of this cake maker.



Does the series of wooden cakes from others make you admire the excellent craftsmanship of these cooks with the degree of similarity? Coffee color can be seen at a glance is a strong chocolate or coffee flavor, super attractive! (well, it could be fruit flavor, but it's not based on seeing it.)










Source: Phoenix Art