Coffee review

Nespresso Dolce Gusto cross-border cooperation nice good "fun" full

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Handmade has always been popular with the public, people enjoy the fun of the production process, but also enjoy the joy of getting the finished product. However, for busy city life, people rarely have enough time to experience the fun of hand-made. But if you have a Nespresso Dolce Gusto capsule coffee machine, you can easily enjoy the fun of making coffee at home. Get rid of the complicated grinding

Handmade has always been very popular, people enjoy the fun of the production process, but also enjoy the joy of the moment of getting the finished product. However, for the busy city life, people seldom have enough time to experience the fun of handwork. But if you have a Nestle coffee Dolce Gusto capsule coffee maker, you can easily enjoy the pleasure of making coffee at home.

Get rid of the complicated grinding, filtration and other processes, carefully bake and grind the carefully selected Arabica coffee beans in Europe and concentrate the fine ground coffee powder in a small capsule to retain the flavor of the top coffee. Thermo block instant heating technology, you can drink strong coffee in a minute. Safe to operate and easy to use, there are not only mellow and fragrant Italian and American coffee, but also mocha, cappuccino, Hot Tea, HK Style, chocolate milk and so on. Even beginners can brew a variety of coffee and drinks with excellent taste.

Recently, Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto has partnered with nice, a photo-sharing software, to enhance its interest. Nice not only has the function of taking pictures and revising pictures, but also has a variety of good-looking and fun stickers to choose from, and you can tag your photos. The powerful function makes sharing pictures a fun thing. Recently, nice launched the live streaming function, which has become the hottest and most popular photo social software among young people.

Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto and nice's awesome capsule coffee machine adheres to Dolce Gusto's classic streamlined design and high-tech technology. Combined with nice classic brand color, Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto x nice likes to make capsule coffee machine more interesting.

In addition, nice also launched Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto cooperation stickers. Download nice app from now until December 31. Using Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto "Coffee can also be colorful" theme series stickers, you will have the opportunity to get nice x Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto cooperative capsule coffee machine. During the event, there will be more surprises and gifts waiting for you at the store or Tmall flagship store.

The awesome combination of Nestle Coffee Dolce Gusto and nice vividly tells us that 1 plus 1 equals not only 2, but also unlimited fun.

Source: world Finance Network