Coffee review

How to pull flowers? (note delivery of flower drawing skills! ) follow the coffee information to learn the flower drawing technique

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The coffee flower is a change made on the original cappuccino or latte. The most important member of the coffee brocade is espresso+ whole milk. Coffee flower drawing steps are as follows: 1. Brew Espresso. It is recommended that the Espresso be placed directly in the desired cup. Then hit the milk foam, after completion, if there is a thicker milk foam floating on the surface, please remove it. 2. It will be done slowly.

The coffee flower is a change made on the original cappuccino or latte. The most important member of the coffee brocade is espresso+ whole milk.


The steps of coffee flower drawing are as follows:

1. Boil Espresso. It is recommended that the Espresso be placed directly in the desired cup. Then hit the milk foam, after completion, if there is a thicker milk foam floating on the surface, please remove it.


2. Slowly pour the milk foam into the newly finished Espresso. When the milk foam is fully mixed with Espresso, the surface will be thick, and this is the time to start blooming (usually the coffee cup is half full).

3. The beginning of the pull flower is to shake the wrist holding the flower cup from left to right, and the key point is to steadily make the wrist shake horizontally to the left and right. Please note that this action only requires the strength of the wrist, not the whole arm. When the shake is correct, the cup will begin to show white "zigzag" foam marks.


4. Gradually move the flower cup back, and reduce the range of the shaking. Finally, when you close the cup, draw a thin straight line forward and draw the stem of the leaves in the cup as the end.

The above steps are too official for us beginners, so I will tell you the core content of my experience in my own way.


1. Milk bubbles must be delicate and dense, and at the same time, milk bubbles and milk must be fully mixed and cannot be stratified, otherwise milk bubbles and milk will be mixed with coffee when they are poured into the coffee cup, and there is a pile of milk bubbles on top.

2. When we start to pour milk, we should raise the flower jar and inject the milk in a slender and slow way. The purpose of this is to suppress the white foam and prevent it from turning over, so that the milk and coffee can be fully integrated.

3. When we inject milk to half the height of the coffee cup, we should lower the height of the flower jar and change the way of injecting milk at the same time. At this time, the flow rate of milk is fast and thick, so that the white milk foam can be turned up. It is convenient for us to pull flowers.


4. When you see the white foam floating out, shake it left and right, and the cup will begin to show traces of white "zigzag" foam.

5, gradually move the flower cup back, and reduce the range of the shaking, and finally close the cup forward to pull out a thin line, draw the stem of the leaves in the cup as the end.

This is what I learned as a beginner. I don't know if it will be useful for everyone.