Coffee review

Don't let your feelings consume your energy too much. be careful to run a cafe and open a cafe.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is warm, but the reality of opening a coffee shop is helpless and cold, because the coffee shop is ultimately a profitable place, chasing dreams and releasing feelings at the beginning, often with a bleak end or compromise to face the reality. Because the success or failure of Chinese cafes depends on feelings, our coffee shop has always been a coffee market.

Coffee is warm, but the reality of opening a cafe is helpless and cold, because the cafe is ultimately a profitable place,"chasing dreams, releasing feelings" at the beginning, often with a bleak end or compromise to face reality.

Because the success or failure of Chinese cafes lies in the word "feelings", our cafes have always had nothing to do with the coffee market and coffee consumption habits. Simply putting cafes into an industry or a model cannot explain the current coffee market phenomenon:

Why do Chinese cafes have less than 10% of the coffee market? Why did Starbucks not cultivate a Chinese coffee brand in the process of cultivating Chinese consumers 'coffee consumption habits? Why, since Starbucks entered China in 1999, whether it was Shangdao and Carving Time before it or Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean and Korean Coffee after it, have not been able to compete with it? Why is it that the American KFC brand, which entered China 12 years earlier than Starbucks, has always had Chinese brands to catch up with it, at least cultivating and maturing a number of brands?


Symbolized Coffee Culture and Cafe

Most people think that China does not have coffee culture, the most basic judgment is that we do not have the habit of drinking coffee, even if there are many Chinese cafes. More interestingly, Yunnan, which accounts for more than 98% of the country's coffee planting area and output, has only 969 cafes in Kunming, the capital city, far below the level of many provincial capitals. Is coffee related to coffee culture? Are coffee shops related to coffee production? We may see this in global coffee sales and the expanding coffee market in China.

In terms of coffee consumption, the United States is a high coffee consumer, but there is almost no coffee culture. Americans basically value the refreshing effect brought by coffee. Belgium has become the headquarters of Belmoca because coffee is standard for IT technicians. In Asia, Japan is also typical. Although Japan is famous for its tea ceremony, coffee sales in Japan have surpassed those in Europe.


No coffee culture does not affect coffee sales, so now there is a frenzy of entrepreneurial coffee in China, mainly in the United States, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other Asian countries; in Europe, Britain, France, Germany and other places with relatively strong coffee culture, coffee stores are relatively few, and mainly concentrated in the capital.

So don't talk about coffee culture. China has coffee culture, but it has been symbolized. When it comes to coffee, you can immediately associate it with petty bourgeoisie and Wenqing, just like when it comes to Mid-Autumn Festival, you can think of moon cakes and reunion.


Just like you may not like to eat moon cakes but still eat moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival, even if you don't know coffee, you may still drink a cup of coffee at the time of the occasion, but in fact you don't have the habit of drinking coffee at all, let alone the taste difference of coffee.

Beautiful coffee, not easy to walk down the cafe

Behind all the movies about coffee scenes, predictions about the explosive growth of the coffee market and the relaxed smile of coffee shop owners, no one tells you the fact that the coffee shop market in China is basically monopolized by foreign brands, and running coffee shops is really a matter of rich tyrants.

In Europe, the market share of Belmoca is about 60%, and coffee enters tens of millions of European families; However, in China, it only entered China in 2014, but many coffee families, Pacific and the latest large Korean coffee in the Chinese market basically accounted for more than 90% of the Chinese coffee shop market share; Chinese local cafes basically keep the same frequency of opening and closing stores every year, most of which are operated at a loss, with no share. The reason is that their coffee shop has no soul.

Therefore, at this stage, faced with the fact that there are only a few cafes that can make money and countless cafes to open, we need to have the ideal of cornerstone, don't over-consume your feelings, don't open a coffee shop when you don't like coffee, don't know coffee and don't have time, at least you either have the feeling of sticking to it or the mood to prepare for hard work. We don't need to follow the imagination of gourd painting, the success of other coffee shops is amplified by 1%, brand joining advocacy is a risky choice, local coffee shops can not be imitators of business models, but should regard themselves as constant trial and error entrepreneurial projects, take out entrepreneurial innovation spirit and learning attitude, perhaps we can see different coffee culture.

Source: Coffee Culture