Coffee review

Meeting cafe Audi on a trip makes you feel that it's not just coffee that lets cars accompany you to hang out in foreign cafes.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Some people visit bookstores all over the world, while others are looking for coffee shops while traveling. On warm winter days, Audi Zhuoyue service will take you to experience alternative cafes, not just coffee! Cafe des Chats caf Cafe Cafe makes up for the fact that people living in the metropolis of Paris cannot keep pets in their apartments for a variety of reasons. This cafe is located in France.

Some people visit bookstores all over the world, while others are looking for coffee shops while traveling. On warm winter days, Audi Zhuoyue service takes you to experience alternative cafes, not just coffee!

Cafe des Chats Cafe Cafe

People living in the metropolis of Paris cannot keep pets in their apartments for a variety of reasons, and cat cafes make up for this regret. The cafe is located in the heart of Marais, Paris, France, where people can enjoy delicious coffee while playing with cats.

Rat Caf é Mouse Cafe

The coffee shop, located in the London dungeon, a famous British scenic spot, specially keeps 18 mice, especially for rat lovers. The original intention of Rat Caf é was to reverse the misunderstood image of mice, and the managers of the London dungeon wanted to challenge these ideas to show the unique and happy side of the mouse.

Le Nid Cafe Bird's Nest Cafe

If you have the opportunity to travel to Nantes, France, you might as well visit the Bird's Nest (Le Nid), a unique bar on the 32nd floor of Brittany Tower. The whole bar is designed with birds as elements, and the bar and seats are lovely eggshell shapes, showing a unique interior decoration effect.

Mahika Mano Cafe hammock Cafe

The hammock cafe is located in the town of Jixiang Temple in Tokyo, Japan. Here, people can lie in a swaying hammock to enjoy good food, coffee and wine.

Source: corporate news