Coffee review

News flash | Indian companies hope to use drones for coffee crop health monitoring

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Today, there are drones used in agriculture all over the world, and drones are used for agricultural data collection and accurate analysis of facilities to help increase crop production and income. There are restrictions on the use of drones in India, and many coffee company speakers say they want India to allow drones to be used to monitor crop health. Except for drones.

Today, there are drones used in agriculture all over the world, and drones are used for agricultural data collection and accurate analysis of facilities to help increase crop production and income. There are restrictions on the use of drones in India, and many coffee company speakers say they want India to allow drones to be used to monitor crop health. In addition to the fact that drones can be used for military purposes, millions of Indian farmers hope to use drones to improve agricultural efficiency and agricultural output.

"We are in a new era of agriculture, and precision agriculture has brought new ways of crop management. Now our technology can avoid waste and use data to maximize profits from crops. It can be said that drone technology is reshaping agriculture. " So says Jaisimha Rao, the owner of the coffee plantation.

Rao, who is passionate about technology and agriculture, noticed a lack of data to drive decision-making when running his own coffee plantation. So he decided to combine drones, computers and specific algorithms to analyze coffee. So Rao created TartanSense, which uses drones to capture and analyze aerial images.

Operating drones to collect data is a huge change for agriculture, especially for large coffee plantations. At present, India's Civil Aviation Authority has imposed restrictions on the use of drones, and how to use drones in India has become an issue worth discussing. Rao said the Indian Civil Aviation Authority's restrictions on drones would stifle the enthusiasm of start-ups to use drones, and his own $100000 drones have successfully worked in Indonesia, Japan and the United States.

"We are entering the future of the coffee industry, and large coffee companies should work together to prove to the government that drones can be well used in agricultural production, so that the government can allow the use of drones," said Tata Coffee's CEO Sanjiv Sarin.

Agricultural UAV can be used in precision agriculture, which is a modern agricultural production mode that uses big data, aerial photography and other means to optimize agricultural production efficiency.

The unmanned machine collects images of crops and generates maps with colors and codes based on the health of the crops, which will then be analyzed and processed by drone companies.

Rao says the real value of drones lies not in its hardware, in how to operate drones and collect data, but in how to analyze the data and benefit farmers. On the specific functions of drones, Rao said: "our drones can fly for 20 minutes and can detect about 150ha of land in a single flight." We upload the image to the cloud, then generate a map of the data, and then communicate the analysis results to the farmers. The value of drones is reflected here. "

Source of this article: cnbeta website