Coffee review

Caffeine on the eight mental and physical effects of drinking coffee on the body what are the benefits?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee drinking is addictive, or it's a habit you can't get rid of, and sometimes drinking too much coffee can have a certain impact on your mood, which may make you nervous and upset. However, the role of coffee on the human body can not be ignored, whether in the spirit or physical function, caffeine can play a good role. Next, look at

Drinking coffee is addictive, or it's a habit you can't get rid of, and sometimes drinking too much coffee will have a certain impact on your mood, which may make your nerves very nervous and restless. But the role of coffee on the human body can not be ignored, whether in mental or physical function, caffeine can play a good role. Let's take a look at the following eight effects of caffeine:

1. Memory: according to recent adjustment studies, 200 milligrams of caffeine (about the amount of caffeine in two cups of 8 oz coffee) can prolong a person's memory.

two。 Mood: a study from the Harvard School of Public Health shows that women who drink four cups of 8 oz coffee a day have a 20% lower risk of depression than those who don't. This is because caffeine has an effect on brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine.

3. Skin: women who drink more than three cups of coffee a day have a significantly lower risk of developing basal cell cancer, according to a 2012 study.

4. Heart: consuming 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine a day can help improve blood flow and make the heart run better.

5. Liver: drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day is more likely to reduce liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis.

6. Energy: according to the Public Library of Science, drinking 3-4 cups of coffee an hour before exercise can prolong exercise time.

7. Legs: men who drink six cups of coffee a day can reduce their risk of gout by 59% because coffee may lower blood uric acid levels.

8. Diabetes risk: drinking eight cups of 8 oz coffee a day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%, according to a review of 28 Harvard studies.