Coffee review

How dare you go to the Mouse Cafe?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The management of the London dungeon, a famous British scenic spot, has opened a mouse coffee shop where guests can live in peace with rats and correct their much-maligned image.


In a coffee shop, rats sometimes even climb on the shoulders of customers.

The management of the London dungeon, a famous British scenic spot, has opened a mouse coffee shop where guests can live in peace with rats and correct their much-maligned image.

Inspired by the Cat Cafe in Japan

According to British media reports on July 1, the London dungeon is one of the most ghastly scenic spots in Britain, truly showing the dark and miserable side of London's history. Now, a place called Mouse Cafe is open in this scenic spot, where customers can drink coffee in the company of mice.

The Mouse Cafe is inspired by the popular Cat Cafe in Japan, where customers can have lunch with cats during their lunch break. In the Mouse Cafe in London, it is accompanied by rats.

The health and safety of the coffee shop can be assured that the food and drink it provides does not contain mouse ingredients. It's just that these rats run around the house and sometimes even climb on the shoulders of customers.

"show the unique and happy side of the mouse."

London dungeon administrator Heywell Mathias said: "throughout history, rats have been given undeserved notoriety, from the Black death in the Middle Ages to the stench of the Victorian era." We want to challenge these ideas and show the unique and happy side of the mouse. "

Today, the Mouse Cafe keeps a total of 18 rats, and their main daily work is to deal with humans. "We have 18 mice and they are very popular with our guests," Mathias said. "