Coffee review

Coffee purchase price Yunnan coffee bean purchase price may rise to 35 yuan 2016 coffee bean price

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, ■ Metropolis Times reporter Li Wenzheng at noon on March 4, New York Futures Exchange Type C coffee rose 17.40 cents / lb to 197.78 cents / lb, equivalent to about 26.7 yuan / kg, the biggest daily increase in 20 years. This completely broke the coffee bean trading market that had been in the doldrums for two years.

Li Wenxing, a reporter from the ■ Metropolitan Times

At noon on March 4, Type C coffee on the New York Futures Exchange rose 17.40 cents per pound to 197.78 cents per pound, or about 26.7 yuan per kilogram, the biggest increase in 20 years. This completely broke the coffee bean trading market, which has been in the doldrums for two years. Hu Lu, deputy secretary general of the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, predicted: "the price of Yunnan coffee beans will also follow, and the future purchase price may rise to 25mur35 yuan / kg is a reasonable price."

International coffee futures prices continue to rise

The purchase price of coffee beans in Yunnan is rising.

The trading price of coffee beans began to fall in June 2012 and did not begin to rise until February 2014. It rose from a low of 110 cents / lb to 180 cents / lb, and the biggest daily increase in 20 years, reaching 197.78 cents / lb on March 4th. Hu Lu expects the basic trading price of coffee beans to rise to 200 cents per pound in late March.

The purchase price of coffee beans from 2012 to 2013 is 13mur14 yuan / kg, and the cost has been reversed. In general, the planting cost of curry farmers is about 15 yuan / kg. Since February this year, the purchase price of coffee beans has continued to rise, rising to 22 yuan / kg. At present, the purchase price quoted by the major coffee enterprises in Yunnan is about 23 yuan / kg. After this price increase, the purchase price is expected to rise to about 25 yuan / kg. Hu Lu said: "the purchase price of coffee beans will not be normal until the purchase price of coffee beans rises to 27 yuan / kg, and it may rise to 35 yuan / kg in early May. This price is also very reasonable."

The rise in the price of coffee beans may have an impact on terminal prices, and some coffee sales companies will also raise the prices of the products they sell. Yesterday afternoon, the phone contacted Starbucks, Nestl é, Maxwell three international manufacturers, the relevant officials of these companies said that they have not received the price adjustment notice.

Production reduction in the world's largest coffee producing area

Bring dawn to Yunnan coffee beans

The dry weather in Central and South America, the world's largest coffee growing region, including Brazil, has reduced output in the largest exporter of coffee beans, which in turn has driven up prices, which has brought dawn to Yunnan coffee beans, which remain in the doldrums. Coupled with the fact that international warehouses have sold coffee beans that have been overstocked for two consecutive years, Hu Lu predicted: "according to the K-chart and the global coffee market, the purchase price of coffee beans may stabilize at 25 per kilogram for a period of time."

For the future development trend of Yunnan coffee beans in the international market, Hu Lu is still optimistic: "there are 50-600000 tons of coffee beans in stock in the world every year, and it is growing at a rate of 2% every year. China, India, Brazil and Southeast Asia account for 1/3 of the world's population, and the number of coffee drinkers in these regions has increased year by year in recent years, which has led to the coffee bean growing industry. China consumes 20% of the world's coffee, so the planting area of coffee beans in Yunnan Province will certainly continue to expand, and the output will continue to rise. "


At noon on March 4th, Type C coffee on the New York Futures Exchange rose 17.40 cents per pound to 197.78 cents per pound.

two hundred

In late March, the basic trading price of coffee beans is expected to rise to 200 cents per pound.


There are 50-600000 tons of coffee beans in stock in the world every year, and it is growing at a rate of 2% every year.