Coffee review

How does the cafe develop for a long time? Open a coffee shop, coffee culture, fine coffee.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Great China, with a population of more than 1 billion. In the early days, the country was closed to the outside world, almost isolated from the rest of the world, and then the war broke out everywhere, and the two world wars led to economic malaise. When it comes to coffee, some people don't even know what it is, and only the social flower of Shanghai in the movie. People who come back from abroad know what coffee tastes like. With the gradual improvement of China's economy, when opening to the outside world,

Great China, with a population of more than 1 billion. In the early days, the country was closed to the outside world, almost isolated from the rest of the world, and then the war broke out everywhere, and the two world wars led to economic malaise. When it comes to coffee, some people don't even know what it is, and only the social flower of Shanghai in the movie. People who come back from abroad know what coffee tastes like.

With the gradual improvement of China's economy, when opening to the outside world, Nestle's instant, to the Chinese and Western compound grinding on the island, coffee chain to the coffee shop. From unknown coffee seeds, to commercial coffee, to today's boutique coffee. In this era of rapid spread of information, it is only a few years. Today's coffee tycoons, in the face of the terrible quality of their products, roll up their sleeves, bake by themselves, make by themselves, and preach at the opening of the restaurant. Compared with many struggling cafes, many people come here with admiration. Coffee, as an imported product, has been opened to the streets in recent years, and more and more people understand it, naturally more and more people drink coffee, and the demand for baristas is naturally getting higher and higher. now is not only to make a beautiful flower is a good barista, but also for the choice of coffee beans, bean grinder scale, temperature control, time grasp All these fit together to make a perfect cup of coffee.

Coffee culture has a timely spread, from instant to bitterness with milk, milk coffee to hand-brewed boutique is popular, inseparable from the promotion of coffee culture, as well as the dissemination of media information. In fact, business is not difficult to do, it is rare to have a conscience to make money. Today's 8050 90 is the main body, and future consumer groups look at 90, 00, 10. For this social and healthy drink, their sense of discrimination is naturally needless to say. I have been cheated for a year, but I may not be able to survive for five years. See, today's coffee drinkers will ask when they see them, where can I find a good boutique cafe? Today's coffee people, the pursuit is more strict. It's not that coffee is hard to sell, it's not that customers don't like it, but that you can't make a cup of coffee that is healthy, hygienic, educated and comfortable to drink.

Nowadays, with the spread and popularization of coffee culture, it is naturally good for the coffee industry, but some cafes just stay in making a cup of coffee to drink, and some baristas even don't know what a cup test is. So if you want to target more and more strict coffee lovers, only by constantly learning and improving your professionalism can you adapt to the impact of this coffee wave!