Coffee review

The first start-up coffee opens with tens of millions of dollars of investment waiting for a good project.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, If you want to start a business over a cup of coffee or even meet Bole investors, where will you go? A few days ago, Zhuhai's first coffee shop as the carrier of the open business incubation platform opened, the South Software Park Venture Coffee, Entrepreneurship Dream Factory officially launched. The cooperative investment institutions also set up a $10 million angel investment fund to wait for outstanding projects.

创业咖啡欲营造零门槛的草根创业空间。南都记者 李瑾 摄

Entrepreneurial coffee wants to create a grassroots entrepreneurial space with zero threshold. Photo taken by Nandu reporter Li Jin

Nandu reporter Li Jin if you want to start a business while drinking coffee, or even meet "Bole" investors, where will you go? A few days ago, Zhuhai's first coffee shop as the carrier of the open business incubation platform opened, the South Software Park Venture Coffee, Entrepreneurship Dream Factory officially launched. The cooperative investment institutions also set up a $10 million angel investment fund to wait for outstanding projects.

If you have a complete idea of the project, you can move in.

Southern Software Park Entrepreneurship Coffee (hereinafter referred to as "Entrepreneurship Coffee") is located on the second floor of Southern Software Park A 1, with a construction area of 1300 square meters, with entrepreneurial platform experience area, salon activity area, open office area, project incubation area (entrepreneurial dream workshop) and so on. Every morning, there is also a free "start-up coffee" to reward the first guest. Bao Qing, chairman and general manager of the Southern Software Park, said that the real mission of entrepreneurial coffee is to create a grassroots entrepreneurial space with zero threshold, a cross-border communication platform and a face-to-face capital docking channel.

Entrepreneurial coffee is aimed at hot industries such as cloud computing, Internet of things, mobile Internet, big data, smart city and so on. Entrepreneurs can use the office facilities of the coffee shop free of charge, excellent entrepreneurial teams and projects, access to office environment provided by the park free of rent for 3-6 months, industrial and commercial registration and fiscal and tax assistant services, and growing teams and projects. priority will be given to venture capital and shareholding incubation. According to the staff of the Enterprise Development Department of the Southern Software Park, the above hot industries, as long as there is a complete idea of the project, there is almost no threshold to enter the entrepreneurial coffee. So far, three start-up teams have moved in.

Tens of millions of dollars fund waiting for a good project.

Venture Coffee has also signed cooperation agreements on capital docking services with three investment institutions: Zhuhai Financial Control High-tech Venture Capital Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Merchants Yinke Equity Investment Center and Hong Kong Yongtai Daoqin Co., Ltd. Among them, the $10 million Angel Investment Fund set up by Yongtai Daoqin will provide capital support for entrepreneurial teams and seed-stage projects.

Yesterday, a reporter from Nandu saw in the Entrepreneurship Dream Workshop that organizations such as the Zhuhai Association of small and medium-sized Enterprises and the Zhuhai Service Outsourcing Industry Association have entered, and entrepreneurs are seeking services from such organizations in the process of "incubation".

[the occupant said]

Similar teams can get together and communicate.

Dolphin team is a student entrepreneurial team in the School of Information Technology of Beijing normal University in Zhuhai, which is stationed in entrepreneurial coffee with the Internet of things project. Chen Jing, the team instructor, said that the entrepreneurial project has just started, and the arrival of entrepreneurial coffee is equivalent to a window for the team. "entrepreneurial coffee will hold some salons and lectures on a regular basis, and similar entrepreneurial teams can get together to collide and communicate. We can get a lot of exercise."