Coffee review

The Green Dream of Coffee in Yunnan Coffee planting Environment in Yunnan

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Abstract: introduction: outshining others is not spring. In order to make great progress in Yunnan coffee industry, intensive processing is the only way, and in the face of competition from international coffee giants, Yunnan coffee needs the effect of industrial clusters more. And this will be the situation that zhengfu likes to hear and see. In 2012, Yunnan coffee output is expected to be 60,000 tons, accounting for 98% of the national coffee output, accounting for the world.

Summary: One branch alone is not spring. Yunnan coffee industry to get considerable development, take deep processing is the only way, and in the face of international coffee giant competition, Yunnan coffee more need industrial cluster effect. this will also become a situation that zhengfu likes to see.

In 2012, Yunnan's coffee production is expected to be 60,000 tons, accounting for 98% of the country's coffee production and seven thousandths of the world's coffee production.

Pu 'er City, as an important producing area of Yunnan Arabica coffee, by the end of 2011, the coffee planting area of the whole city was 439,000 mu, the output was 28,000 tons, and the output value was 850 million yuan. The planting area and output accounted for more than half of the whole country respectively.

This year, Pu 'er City will also plant 200,000 mu of ecological coffee, bringing the total coffee planting area of the city to 639,000 mu and the output to 30,000 tons.

At present, Pu 'er City is still accelerating the development of coffee industry, vowing to build Pu' er City into "Coffee Capital of China."

Pu 'er City, as an important coffee producing area in Yunnan Province, is constantly accelerating the development of coffee industry and vows to build Pu' er City into "Coffee Capital of China."

According to the International Coffee Organization website, as of December 2011, global coffee production reached 132407 thousand bags, and the global coffee production was 7.94 million tons according to the calculation of 60 kilograms per bag. In 2012, Yunnan's coffee production is expected to be 60,000 tons, which will account for 98% of the country's coffee production, but only seven thousandths of the world's coffee production.

Since Nestle and Starbucks entered Yunnan, Yunnan Arabica coffee has become famous, but its overall production is in short supply. From the perspective of the development of the overall industrial chain, Yunnan coffee has always stayed at the planting level and has always played the role of raw material supplier, and the overall development level is still at the end of the industrial chain.

A $3 billion coffee blueprint for 10 years

In March last year, with the consent of Yunnan Province zhengfu, led by Yunnan Province Development and Reform Commission and Yunnan Province Agriculture Department, relevant departments and scientific research institutes jointly compiled the Coffee Industry Development Plan of Yunnan Province (2010~2020)(hereinafter referred to as the Plan).

According to the Plan, our province plans to invest RMB 3 billion yuan in 10 years. By 2015, the coffee planting area of the whole province will develop to 1 million mu, with a production area of 800,000 mu, an annual output of 96,000 tons of coffee beans and a total output value of more than 17 billion yuan; by 2020, the planting area will be stable at about 1.5 million mu, with an annual output of 200,000 tons of green coffee beans; and the total output value will be more than 34 billion yuan.

Pu 'er City, as an important producing area of Yunnan Arabica coffee, by the end of 2011, the coffee planting area of the whole city had reached 439,000 mu, the output was 28,000 tons, and the output value reached 850 million yuan. The coffee planting area and output accounted for more than half of the total coffee area and total output in China respectively.

According to Pu 'er City's Work Plan for Coffee Industry Development in Pu' er City in 2012, 200,000 mu of ecological coffee will be newly planted in the whole city this year, so that the total coffee planting area of the whole city will reach 639,000 mu and the output will reach 30,000 tons. In addition, Zhengfu will set up 50 farmers 'coffee professional cooperatives and build 50 coffee primary processing plants as its key work, striving to achieve an output value of 900 million yuan. At present, Pu 'er City is constantly accelerating the development of coffee industry, vowing to build Pu' er City into "Coffee Capital of China."

At the planting level, this is also the focus of zhengfu support in Pu 'er City. It is understood that in 2012, Pu 'er City zhengfu will enjoy a subsidy of 120 yuan per mu from the state for the construction of ecological coffee gardens and the achievements included in the consolidation project of returning farmland to forests. For large planting households meeting the support and reward policies, the municipal level will give 150,000 yuan of support and reward funds to each household.

In the circulation link, coffee purchasing enterprises in Pu 'er City will enjoy a reward of 100 yuan for every ton of coffee exported.

In the processing link, the leading coffee processing enterprises with an annual sales income of more than 50 million yuan will be rewarded for producing more than 500 tons of coffee intensive processing products such as roasted beans or instant powder in 2012.

Development direction of leading enterprises

Good policies have taken the lead, Yunnan coffee industry or will usher in considerable development. At present, the coffee planting area and output of Pu 'er City account for more than half of the total coffee area and output in China respectively, making it the largest small coffee planting base in China. When it comes to the development of coffee industry, we have to talk about several leading enterprises in Pu 'er.

As a giant and predecessor in the coffee industry, Nestle is the earliest coffee enterprise to enter Pu 'er. Now Nestle, which has been rooted in Pu 'er for 23 years, has purchased more coffee in Pu' er than any other coffee company.

According to Gao Yingmin, a staff member of the Coffee Office of Pu 'er City Tea Bureau, Nestle, a coffee tycoon located in "Pu' er Tea Township," currently purchases coffee beans in Pu 'er City, accounting for one third of the total output of Pu' er City. In November last year, Nestle signed a memorandum of understanding on strategic cooperation with Zhengfu, the people of Pu 'er City, to further develop the coffee industry and culture of Pu' er City. In addition to continuing to provide technical support for Pu 'er coffee farmers, it was also clear that it would gradually increase the purchase of coffee beans in Pu' er to provide support for stabilizing the supply chain of Pu 'er coffee.

"Aini Coffee is this year's key support target." Gao Yingmin told reporters that as Starbucks 'only coffee bean raw material supplier in China, Aini Coffee has achieved a new milestone in Yunnan coffee industry. Starbucks, which has always been known for its quality and strict requirements for coffee beans, chose Yunnan Arabica Coffee. Their arrival will boost the development of Yunnan coffee industry, while Aini Coffee, as a bridge connecting Yunnan and Starbucks, is destined to attract attention in the future.

In 2011, Starbucks signed a memorandum of cooperation with Aini Group. In 2012, the two parties established a joint venture company. Starbucks purchased and exported high-quality Arabica coffee beans from Yunnan Province and operated coffee processing plants there. According to Li Xianrong, director of Aini Coffee Industry Department,"Aini Coffee provided Starbucks with 4000 tons of coffee beans this year, and all of them passed Starbucks 'quality inspection."

Aini Group has nearly 10,000 mu coffee planting demonstration base, which is matched with 4 pastures with more than 100,000 mu of alpine grassland. At present, the beef cattle breeding scale has reached more than 2000. "I raise cattle mainly for cow dung." Liu Minghui, founder and chairman of Yunnan Aini Group, pretended to be serious and told reporters that beef cattle breeding is mainly to provide organic fertilizer for coffee growth, which is also part of Aini coffee ecological planting. In addition,"Rainforest Coffee" is also an ecological planting model widely promoted by Aini Coffee in Yunnan.

Manzhongtian, which is more than two hours 'drive from Pu' er City, is the most important coffee estate of Aini Coffee. It is at this place with an average altitude of 1500 meters and sunshine disappears after 2 p.m. that coffee beans of similar quality to Blue Mountain are cultivated, and the annual output of these excellent coffee beans is only 16 tons. More than 30 coffee varieties from Costa Rica currently cultivated here will be rainforest planted in June this year.

Manya Coffee can be called a new student in Pu 'er coffee industry. As a local coffee enterprise in Pu' er, Manya Coffee not only has its own coffee planting base and coffee primary processing production line, but also chooses to popularize coffee culture in Pu 'er City and Yunnan Province. It is reported that at present Manya Coffee has obtained the qualification of barista training recognized by the Provincial Labor Department. 40 baristas have graduated successfully from the initial and intermediate barista training in Pu 'er City. At present, they have barista training centers in Kunming and Ning 'er counties.

Deep processing short board

In 2011, the coffee output value of Pu 'er City was 850 million yuan. However, Gao Yingmin told reporters: "This output value is completely composed of raw materials, and the output value of primary and deep processing is relatively small, which is not counted among them."

The weak initial and deep processing has always been a short board in the development of Yunnan coffee industry. In the future, intensive processing is the only way to solve the shortcomings of coffee industry development, and it is also an important direction for Yunnan coffee enterprises.

Coffee industry insiders believe that in order to resist the continuous decline in prices and the harm of slow sales of coffee, Yunnan coffee must take the road of intensive processing and brand marketing, improve the added value of Yunnan coffee and extend the coffee industry chain; At the same time, it is necessary for each zhengfu department to carry out a series of optimization in the application of financial means and the promotion of agricultural insurance, strengthen the support for various agricultural industry development funds and policies, and create better and better conditions for farmers to increase their income and become rich.

As far as Yunnan local enterprises are concerned, Hougu Coffee, as a supplier of raw materials to Nestle, announced in 2008 that it would cut back and stop supplying raw materials to Nestle and began to create its own coffee brand. At present, Hougu is also the only manufacturer in Yunnan that can produce instant coffee powder. Aini Coffee, thanks to its cooperation with Starbucks and the establishment of a coffee processing plant in the local area, has been favored by local zhengfu. However, many other coffee enterprises still stay at the level of raw material supply, and few enterprises can carry out intensive processing.

A single flower is not spring. Yunnan coffee industry to get considerable development, take deep processing is the only way, and in the face of international coffee giant competition, Yunnan coffee more need industrial cluster effect. this will also become a situation that zhengfu likes to see.

Photo of this edition: Reporter Li Jinhong/Photographed

side report

"Pu 'er Coffee Night" will be held in Beijing

The reporter recently learned from relevant parties in Pu 'er City that the "Pu' er Coffee Night" sponsored by Pu 'er City zhengfu will be held in Beijing Shichahai Club on the evening of June 18. The theme of the activity will be "Taste Pu 'er Coffee, Experience Beautiful Pu' er", and taste activities such as freshly ground and cooked coffee will be carried out.

It is understood that this activity is one of the series of activities of the "12th China Pu 'er Tea Festival" to be held in Beijing from June 16 to 19. The activity will promote Pu' er coffee with the help of China Pu 'er Tea Festival, so that more people can know Pu' er coffee and push Pu 'er coffee to the whole country.