Coffee review

Global coffee producing area-Ecuador

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The Arabian Coffee Tree was first introduced to Ecuador (Ecuador) in 1952 and its coffee is of good quality, especially the coffee harvested in early June. Ecuador's coffee origin: the best Arabica coffee is produced in the Andes, especially in the Chanchagu Valley (ChanchamgoValley). The Andes are divided into two mountains, extending from south to north to central Ecuador. Ecuador

The Arabian Coffee Tree was first introduced to Ecuador (Ecuador) in 1952 and its coffee is of good quality, especially the coffee harvested in early June.

Coffee producing areas in Ecuador:

The best Arabica coffee comes from the Andes, especially the Chanchagu Valley (ChanchamgoValley). The Andes are divided into two mountains, extending from south to north to central Ecuador. Ecuadorian coffee beans can be divided into two varieties: Galapagos and Gigante, both of which have the characteristics of large granules and heavy weight.

The characteristics of Ecuadorian coffee:

The coffee here is generally well-balanced and refreshing, with a unique aroma.

Flavor: balanced acidity and fragrance

Suggested roasting method: medium to deep roasting, can be made into high-quality mixed coffee, suitable for various uses

★: general

Ecuadorian coffee market:

Ecuadorian coffee can be divided into first class (No.1) and super excellent (ExtraSuperior) according to its quality. They are mainly exported to the Nordic countries of Scandinavia. Ecuador is one of the few countries in South America that produces both Arabica coffee and Robbins coffee. However, as the land suitable for Arabica coffee trees is decreasing, the production of Robbins coffee is gradually increasing.