Coffee review

Do you know how taste is distributed on the tongue?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Steps: a cup of coffee to the front, do not rush to drink, should be like tea or wine tasting, there is a gradual process to achieve the purpose of relaxation, refreshing and enjoyment. The first step is to smell the aroma and taste the aroma of coffee. The second step is to observe the color. The coffee is best to be dark brown, not dark and bottomless. Step three, taste, drink black first

Steps: a cup of coffee to the front, do not rush to drink, should be like tea or wine tasting, there is a gradual process to achieve the purpose of relaxation, refreshing and enjoyment.

The first step is to smell the aroma and taste the aroma of coffee.

Step 2, color observation, coffee is best to appear dark brown, rather than a dark, bottomless.

The third step, taste, first drink a mouthful of black coffee, feel the taste of the original coffee, coffee should be some sweet, slightly bitter, slightly sour not astringent. Then sip to taste, do not rush to swallow coffee, should be temporarily contained in the mouth, let coffee and saliva and air a little mixed, and then swallow.

A taste production process Taste-producing substances stimulate taste receptors in the mouth, and then through a collection and transmission of information to the brain's taste center, and finally through the brain's integrated nervous system analysis, thus producing taste. Different tastes produce different taste receptors, and the forces between taste receptors and taste substances are also different.

B taste buds

Taste buds are the main taste receptors in the mouth, followed by free nerve endings. Babies have 10000 taste buds and adults have thousands. The number of taste buds decreases with age, and the sensitivity to substances decreases.

Taste buds are mostly distributed in the milky processes on the surface of the tongue, especially in the milky processes at the folds of the tongue mucosa. Taste buds are generally composed of 40-150 taste cells, which are replaced in about 10-14 days. There are many taste receptor molecules on the surface of taste cells. Different substances can combine with different taste receptor molecules to present different tastes.

The tip and edge of the tongue are sensitive to salty taste, the front of the tongue is sensitive to sweet taste, the sides of the tongue near the cheeks are sensitive to sour taste, and the root of the tongue is sensitive to bitter and spicy taste.

It takes only 1.5-4.0s for human taste to be stimulated by taste substances, which is faster than vision (13- 45s), hearing (1.27-21.5s) and touch (2.4-8.9s).

Pieces: Sweet first, bitter later, salty and sour