Coffee review

Coffee maker boiler hot water is harmful to health

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, I often see many people use this set of parts of the coffee machine to release hot water from the boiler in the machine, which is used to make tea, warm cups, flushing utensils, drinking directly and making other milk tea products. Because the coffee machine supplies hot water at any time, there is a temperature probe in the coffee machine boiler. When the temperature is lower than the set temperature, the coffee machine will be automatically heated. It is because of automatic heating that it is formed.

I often see many people use this set of parts of the coffee machine to release hot water from the boiler in the machine for making tea, warming cups, flushing utensils, drinking directly and making other milk tea products. The reason is a "convenience". Because the coffee machine supplies hot water at any time, there is a temperature probe in the coffee machine boiler. When the temperature is lower than the set temperature, the coffee machine will be automatically heated. It is because of automatic heating that the water is boiled repeatedly, and a coffee machine has to be heated dozens of times even if it does nothing a day, so the water boils repeatedly dozens of times.

But have you ever thought about how much harm it will do to your health and property if you use this group of components frequently?

First of all, let's talk about the harm to your health:

According to the experimental proof, if the water is boiled over and over again, the "nitrate" in the water will be transformed into "nitrite", and "nitrite" will turn the hemoglobin in the human body into "nitrite hemoglobin". Will make red blood cells lose the function of carrying oxygen.

Therefore, if you drink repeatedly boiled water frequently, it may cause tissue hypoxia, shortness of breath, chest depression, purple lips and nails, or easy to fall asleep. If more serious, "nitrite" into the body, after the action of gastric acid, is likely to be converted into the carcinogen "nitrosamine".