Coffee review

Coffee anecdotes of Robot Cafe, which has been in operation for only three days.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hartye, director of the project, said: in order to adapt to the special environment of indoor work, Blue Jay is equipped with multiple sensor devices such as optical radar and indoor positioning system. Basically does not use the GPS positioning system commonly used by drones, after all, it often fails indoors. A drone similar to Blue Jay costs about 2000 euros, but it is unmanned at the University of the Netherlands.

"in order to adapt to the special environment of indoor work, Blue Jay is equipped with multiple sensor devices such as optical radar and indoor positioning system," said Hartye, director of the project. Basically does not use the GPS positioning system commonly used by drones, after all, it often fails indoors.

Drones like Blue Jay cost about 2000 euros, but the drone cafe at the University of the Netherlands is only open for three days during the school holiday.

But for now, the drone cafe looks more like a gimmick. For example, how intelligent the drone can be, how the drone matches the customer's location with the drink ordered (if the customer sits down at random). Whether the process of serving drinks still needs manpower to control, and so on.

And these attempts to deliver food and medicine through drones, like Blue Jay, are still a seemingly beautiful concept with a lot of practical problems.

(pictures and texts come from the Internet, yoyo)