Coffee review

The management of cafes

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Many cafes in China, it can be said that most cafes are basically equipped with baristas and waiters, according to the size of the store area and the number of seats to be equipped with the number of people of various types of work. Some cafes need a dessert chef for dessert; some cafes need a chef for light meals; and some cafes need a bartender for cocktails. No matter who you are

Many cafes in China, it can be said that most cafes are basically equipped with baristas and waiters, according to the size of the store area and the number of seats to be equipped with the number of people of various types of work. Some cafes need a dessert chef for dessert; some cafes need a chef for light meals; and some cafes need a bartender for cocktails. Whether you are the owner of a cafe or have registered as the boss of a big-name company in the form of a company, you face a problem: management.

As the owner of a cafe, he should also review himself. Is your salary reasonable? Do you have a clear distinction between reward and punishment? Did you do your training? Are you a principled cafe owner? Are you upright and fair? Do you think of yourself as a member of the team and play your part? Because cafe owners can't just put in money! In a word, a cafe has a large turnover of staff, which means that the owner of the cafe can't manage it! Here are 14 management principles.

Anyone who has studied management knows that it has many schools. In the course of "Organisational Behaviour & Management" in MBA, Huaxia was most impressed by the 14 management principles summarized by French classical management theorist Henri Fayol. And Henry Fayol is the idol of China. Together with Max Weber (Max Weber) and Frederick Winslow Taylor (Frederick Winslow Taylor,1856-1915), he is called the three pioneers of western classical management theory, and is respected as the founder of the management process school. Henry Fayol was the most outstanding master who contributed to the management movement in Europe until the first half of the last century, and was called "the father of modern management" by later generations. Huaxia most recognized his "14 management principles" and moved out today to share with you. I hope that cafe owners can use it to better manage their own cafes, and coffee practitioners can also find good owners through this principle. or you can decipher and understand what cafes usually do.

Principle 1: principle of division of labor (Division of Work)

Fayol believes that the division of labor belongs to the law of nature. The division of labor applies not only to technical work, but also to management work. The efficiency of management should be improved through the division of labor. However, Fayol also believes: "the division of labor has certain limits, experience and sense of scale tell us that we should not exceed these limits." Judy sister often said a sentence: let professional people do professional things, do not understand people do not interfere! This sentence is very reasonable and precisely illustrates the principle of division of labor.

Principle 2: the principle of Power and responsibility (Authority and Responsibilities)

Do you remember the classic lines from Spider-Man? The first film Huaxia saw in the British cinema. In the movie, Peter Parker's uncle said a famous aphorism to him before he died: "Remember, A Great power comes from great responsibility!" Where there is power, there is responsibility. Responsibility is the twin of power, the natural result and necessary supplement of power. This is the famous principle that power is consistent with responsibility. Fayol believes that in order to implement the principle of compatibility between power and responsibility, there should be an effective system of reward and punishment, that is, "beneficial actions should be encouraged and actions contrary to them should be stopped." In fact, this is the principle of combining rights, responsibilities and interests that we are talking about now. As a cafe owner, you have the right to Hire/Fire, but no matter what decision you make, you are responsible. The same is true for baristas, if the boss believes you, gives you the opportunity to train, gives you the right to be independent, and comes with responsibility. It is not to say that the boss spends a lot of money to train you well, just because of some one-sided blindness, and then go their separate ways, that is "this world white-eyed wolf".

Principle 3: disciplinary principles (Discipline)

Fayol believes that discipline should include two aspects, namely, the agreement between the enterprise and its subordinates and people's attitude towards the agreement and its compliance. Fayol believes that discipline is the key to the prosperity of an enterprise. Without discipline, no enterprise can prosper. When you come to the berry store, you will often see the management and employees of start-ups. Most start-ups have no discipline. If there are no rules, there will be no square circle. If the rules are not established, of course, startups should have discipline. Once a barista from a cafe came to the store and said to me, "Huaxia, I found that the guests you brought to our store, or the guests you introduced to our store, were of very high quality and courteous, and greeted us with greetings, thanks and salutes in one fell swoop. Why?" I smiled and said nothing. In fact, what I want to say is that "birds of a feather flock together". There is discipline in the berry shop, and only customers who understand discipline can feel free in the berry shop, so of course these people also understand discipline when they go to other stores.

Principle 4: unified Command principle (Unity of Command)

Unified command is an important management principle, according to the requirements of this principle, a subordinate can only accept orders from one superior. If two leaders exercise their power over the same person or thing at the same time, there will be chaos. Under no circumstances will there be a social organization that adapts to dual command. There is also the next principle related to the principle of unified command, that is, the principle of unified leadership. My good friend Yizhou told me an example. His little apprentice was a good old man. When people from other departments of the company asked him to do things, he promised. In the end, he didn't say anything, but picked shit on his face. Therefore, unified command is very important.

Principle 5: unified leadership principle (Unity of Direction)

The principle of unified leadership means: "for all activities that strive to achieve the same goal, there can only be one leader and one plan."... Human society and the animal kingdom, a body with two heads, is a monster, it is difficult to survive. " The principle of unified leadership says that a subordinate can only have one direct superior. It is different from the principle of unified command, which states that a subordinate can only accept instructions from one superior. There are both differences and connections between the two principles. The principle of unified leadership is about the establishment of an organization, that is, when setting up an organization, one subordinate cannot have two direct superiors. The unified command principle talks about the operation after the organization is set up, that is, when the organization is established, in the process of operation, one subordinate can not accept the instructions of two superiors at the same time. The meaning of the word "command" in "unified command" is more emphasis on verbs, while in "unified leadership", the word leadership focuses on nouns, which refers to a part of the organization.

Principle 6: the principle that personal interests are subordinate to overall interests (Subordination of Individual Interest to the General Interest)

Fayol believes that this principle is well understood by some people, but often "ignorance, greed, selfishness, laziness and all human impulses always make people forget the interests of the whole for the sake of their own interests." In order to adhere to this principle, Fayol believes that the way to succeed is: "the firmness and good example of ① leaders; ② sign fair agreements as much as possible; and ③ carefully supervise." Due to the contemporary one-child family, as well as human emotional indifference, almost all people have a state of mind: "they are the biggest, others are fucking shit!" Therefore, many people, especially the employees of small enterprises, are in charge of their own management, from the leadership to the bottom, are the same, coupled with the boss is also gluttonous and lazy, deceitful and deceitful, it is a problem for such a company to survive.

Principle 7: the principle of remuneration for personnel (Remuneration)

Fayol believes that the remuneration of personnel first "depends on some circumstances that are not affected by the wishes of the employer and the talents of the personnel to which they belong, such as the cost of living, the number of employees that can be employed, the general state of the business, the economic status of the enterprise, and so on." then look at the talent of the personnel, and finally look at the mode of compensation adopted. The remuneration of personnel should first be considered to maintain the minimum living consumption of employees and the basic operating conditions of the enterprise, which is a basic starting point to determine the remuneration of personnel. On this basis, it is considered to adopt the appropriate way of remuneration according to the labor contribution of the staff and workers. For all kinds of compensation, Fayol believes that no matter what kind of compensation is adopted, it should be able to achieve the following points: ①, which can ensure fair remuneration; ②, which can reward useful efforts and stimulate enthusiasm; and ③, which should not lead to excessive compensation beyond reasonable limits. Nowadays, the reason why baristas are paid at the bottom is that cafes are less profitable. Only when we make a big cake together, the salary will be raised naturally. In addition, baristas need to improve themselves in terms of quality and cognition, read more books, go abroad more, and read more foreign news translated by berry couples.

Principle 8: the principle of concentration (Centralization or Decentralization)

Fayol refers to the centralization and decentralization of the power of the organization. Fayol believes that the problem of concentration or decentralization is a simple scale problem, the problem is to find the most appropriate for the enterprise. In small enterprises, orders can be transmitted directly by superior leaders to lower-level personnel, so power is relatively concentrated, while in large enterprises, there are many intermediate links between senior leaders and grass-roots personnel, so power is more scattered. According to Fayol, there are two factors that affect whether an enterprise is centralized or decentralized: one is the power of the leader, and the other is the leader's attitude towards giving full play to the enthusiasm of subordinates. "if the talent, energy, wisdom, experience and speed of understanding of leaders. By allowing him to expand the scope of his activities, he can greatly enhance his concentration and reduce his assistant role to that of an ordinary executor. On the contrary, if he is willing to retain the privilege of overall leadership on the one hand and make more use of the experience, advice and advice of collaborators on the other hand, then he can carry out extensive decentralization of power. All the ways to increase the importance of the role of subordinates are decentralized, and the ways to reduce the importance of this role are concentrated. In the berry shop, there are many bosses, large and small, autocratic and domineering, bohemian, and shopkeepers. I just hope that the bosses know what they are doing. As long as they insist, they know what they are doing, and there will be no problems. Once something goes wrong, it should be solved immediately without delay. For employees, they should comply with the management mode of their own company. In Centralised management, employees should learn more and ask more questions and slowly improve themselves; in Decentralised management, employees should strive for jobs and responsibilities that suit their abilities, so as to improve themselves.

Principle 9: hierarchical principles (Scalar Chain/Line of Authority)

Hierarchy is a series of leaders from the highest authority to low-level managers. The implementation of the principle of hierarchy is to establish such an uninterrupted hierarchical chain in the organization, which illustrates two problems: first, it shows the power relationship between various links in the organization, through this hierarchical chain, members of the organization can make clear who can give instructions to whom and who should be responsible to whom. Second, this hierarchical chain shows the route of information transmission in the organization, that is, in a formal organization, information is transmitted according to the hierarchical series of the organization. The implementation of the principle of hierarchical system will help the organization to strengthen the principle of unified command and ensure the smooth flow of information links within the organization. However, if an organization communicates information strictly according to the hierarchical series, it may make the information contact for a long time because the route of information communication is too long, and it is easy to cause information distortion in the process of transmission.

Principle 10: the principle of order (Order)

The principle of order referred to by Fayol includes the principle of order of goods and the principle of social order of man. As for the principle of order of goods, he believes that every item has a place that is most suitable for its storage. To adhere to the principle of order of objects is to make every item in its place. To implement the principle of order of goods is to make every item in its place. As for the principle of social order, he believes that everyone has his strengths and weaknesses, and the implementation of the principle of social order is to determine the job that is most suitable for everyone to give full play to their abilities, and then make everyone work in the position where their abilities can be brought into full play. In order to implement the principle of social order, Fayol believes that first of all, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the social needs and resources of enterprises, and to maintain a constant balance between them; at the same time, attention should be paid to eliminating the disadvantages of cronyism, favoritism, ambition and ignorance.

Principle 11: the principle of fairness (Equity)

Fayol distinguishes fairness from justice. "Justice is the realization of agreements that have been concluded," he said. But these agreements cannot predict everything, and they should be explained regularly to supplement their shortcomings. In order to encourage his staff to perform his duties wholeheartedly and faithfully, he should be treated with goodwill. Fairness is generated by goodwill and justice. " In other words, to implement the principle of fairness is to act in accordance with the established agreement. However, in the process of implementation in the future, the original "fair" agreement may become an "unfair" agreement because of changes in various factors, so that even if the principle of "fairness" is strictly implemented, it will also make the efforts of the workers not be fairly reflected, thus the labor enthusiasm of the workers can not be fully mobilized. Therefore, the principle of "fairness" should be carried out in management. The so-called "fair" principle is the "fair" principle plus the goodwill treatment of workers. In other words, on the basis of implementing the principle of "fairness", we should also make a "goodwill" evaluation of the labor performance of the staff and workers according to the actual situation. Of course, when implementing the principle of "fairness", managers are also required not to "ignore any principles and not forget the overall interests".

Principle 12: the principle of stability of personnel (Stability of Tenure of Personnel)

Fayol believes that it takes time for a person to adapt to his new position and do his job well. This is the "principle of stability of personnel". According to the "principle of stability of personnel", in order to give full play to a person's ability, it is necessary to make him work relatively steadily in a job for a period of time, so that he can have a period of time to familiarize himself with his work and understand his working environment. And gain the trust of others. But the stability of personnel is relative rather than absolute, old age, disease, retirement, death and so on will lead to the flow of personnel in the enterprise. Therefore, the stability of personnel is relative, while the mobility of personnel is absolute. For the enterprise, it is necessary to master the appropriate degree of personnel stability and mobility, in order to give full play to the ability of the members of the enterprise. Like all other principles, the principle of stability is a matter of yardstick.

Principle 13: initiative (Initiative)

"coming up with a plan and ensuring its success is one of the greatest pleasures of a smart person, and it is also one of the most powerful stimuli of human activity," Fayol said. The possibility of invention and execution is what people call the pioneering spirit. The autonomy of suggestion and implementation also belongs to the spirit of initiative. " Fayol believes that the satisfaction of people's self-fulfilling needs is the most powerful stimulating factor to stimulate people's enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work. For leaders, "it takes a great deal of proportion and some kind of courage to inspire and support everyone's initiative." Of course, the implementation of the principles of discipline, unified command and unified leadership will limit the initiative of people in the organization.

Principle 14: teamwork (Esprit de Corps)

People often forget the unity of the organization because of the lack of management ability, or because of selfishness, or because of the pursuit of personal interests. Fayol believes that managers need to develop a positive work attitude both individually and collectively. In order to strengthen the unity of the organization, Fayol specifically proposed to prohibit the abuse of written contact in the organization. He believes that when dealing with a business problem, speaking face to face is faster and much easier than writing. In addition, some conflicts and misunderstandings can be resolved in conversation. As a result, whenever possible, direct contact should be made so that it is faster, clearer, and more harmonious. People who like to work alone should not work in a team, which brings people with different abilities together for the same goal.