Coffee review

Can coffee grounds replace toner to print documents?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The skillful use of waste is becoming more and more popular in today's society. It is a very creative and environmentally friendly thing to reuse the residue after brewing coffee, especially as a substitute for printer toner. One designer came up with a cool printer that uses ink extracted from ground coffee grounds or tea grounds. Whenever you want to print a document, just put

The skillful use of waste is becoming more and more popular in today's society. It is a very creative and environmentally friendly thing to reuse the residue after brewing coffee, especially as a substitute for printer toner.

One designer came up with a cool printer that uses ink extracted from ground coffee grounds or tea grounds. Whenever you want to print a document, just pour the unfinished coffee and tea into the ink cartridge (at the top of the machine), and then "manually" move left and right to scan the words. Although it is a bit troublesome, and the font quality is not guaranteed to be clear, it is one of the few creative printing products that can really change from a concept to a real sale.

Maybe in the near future, we can apply this technology in the office and print it directly after drinking coffee, or when we want to print a document, have a cup of coffee and kill two birds with one stone.

(responsible Editor: Leo)