Coffee review

Take a cup to Starbucks for free coffee on Earth Day.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On the morning of April 22, Starbucks invited customers to its stores across the country to participate in the Earth Day event, giving away a cup of freshly cooked medium cup drip filter coffee to all customers who brought their own Starbucks cups or mugs. This initiative has won wide support from Chinese customers. From 9 a.m. to 12:00 that day, Starbucks stores across China delivered nearly 65000 cups of filtered coffee to themselves.

On the morning of April 22, Starbucks invited customers to its stores across the country to participate in the "Earth Day" event, giving away a cup of freshly cooked medium cup drip filter coffee to all customers who brought their own Starbucks cups or mugs. This initiative has won wide support from Chinese customers. From 9 a.m. to 12:00, Starbucks stores across China delivered nearly 65000 cups of filtered coffee to customers who brought their own cups to Starbucks stores.

"Earth Day" is a global environmental protection movement. Hundreds of millions of people participate in it on April 22 every year, contributing to the protection and improvement of the earth's environment. In China, Starbucks rewarded customers on Earth Day, calling on more people to join environmental efforts, encouraging people to reduce waste by bringing their own cups, and conveying Starbucks' concept of "loving the earth".

This action has won wide support from Chinese customers. Apart from actively participating and supporting with practical actions, many netizens also share their environmental protection concepts and responsibilities on Weibo.

Netizen "Wang Qilin" said: "the earth is our common home, and it is our common responsibility to protect the earth and love our homeland." Take a cup to Starbucks to drink coffee, reduce waste, this kind of coffee tastes sweeter and more delicious. "

Netizen "Da Mengzi Ye" said: "this is a kind of effort to support the cause of environmental protection. If everyone can reduce a little waste every day, it will be a blessing for the earth, for mankind, for you and me."

Many star fans said that the reason for supporting this activity is that environmental protection is everyone's common responsibility and requires everyone to spare no effort to participate.

For a long time, environmental protection has been one of the important contents of Starbucks corporate social responsibility. In 2009, Starbucks launched the "Love the Earth" platform in China, which mainly includes three parts: moral procurement, environmental commitment and giving back to the community.

In addition, Starbucks has been rewarding customers with their own cups with discounts around the world since 1985. In 2013, the number of customers worldwide with their own cups reached 46.9 million, up 22% from 35.8 million in 2012, and the number of drinks provided by Starbucks to customers with their own cups increased from 1.5% to 1.8%. Starbucks will continue to encourage customers to bring their own cups of coffee in the form of discounts, and by 2015, Starbucks hopes to increase its own beverages to 5% of the total.

China is no exception. In any Starbucks store across the country, customers who buy Starbucks hand-made drinks with their own cups can be waived 2 yuan directly. In this way, Starbucks encourages customers' environmental protection behavior, calling on them to join the ranks of environmental protection and contribute to building a clean, beautiful and comfortable global community.

When you take coffee from your Starbucks partner and enjoy a delicious drink, please join Starbucks'"Love the Earth" campaign, so that each cup of coffee means more than itself.