Coffee review

The combination of Ratio Coffee Machine coffee machine technology and retro

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, For many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is the beginning of a new day. That is, there are many ways to make coffee, but it is not easy to make delicious coffee accurately. Ratio's new Eight Coffee Machine coffee machine can solve the above problems. The Eight Coffee Machine coffee machine is equipped with Ratio's pour-over device.

For many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is the beginning of a new day. That is, there are many ways to make coffee, but it is not easy to make delicious coffee accurately. Ratio's new Eight Coffee Machine coffee machine can solve the above problems. The Eight Coffee Machine coffee machine is equipped with Ratio's pour-over device, which can accurately deal with the preheating, temperature, dosage and other problems of water, and finally produce mellow coffee.

Designed and developed by Polish designer Mark Hellweg, each Ratio is assembled by hand.

Price: $480.00


Model No.: Eight

Version: Walnut

Size: 13.5 "deep x 9" wide x 14 "tall

Capacity: Brews up to 40oz. (eight 5oz. Cups)

Warranty: 3 years

Power: 1400 W

Voltage: 110V