Coffee review

Amazon is involved in China's coffee industry and launches online cafes following 's investment in 3W Coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following 's investment in 3W coffee, the promising domestic coffee field has been reintroduced to e-commerce giants. Amazon China recently launched an online cafe, which is different from the offline store model of 's capital injection. Amazon China is targeting the online goods market.

Following 's investment in 3W coffee, the promising domestic coffee field has been reintroduced to e-commerce giants. Amazon China recently launched an online cafe. Unlike 's model of injecting capital into offline stores, Amazon China is aimed at the online goods market. According to the analysis of the Beijing Business Research Institute, China's coffee consumption is growing at a rate of 15% per cent per year, and the demand for coffee equipment will also rise day by day.

Coffee machines, coffee supplements and coffee books can be found on the Amazon Cafe website. With regard to these, Amazon said in China that Amazon Cafe includes five mainstream categories, including coffee machines, coffee pots, coffee ingredients, coffee books and filter paper, and more than 2000 coffee-related options. from Amazon's China-owned platform, Amazon "overseas purchases" and third-party sellers.

Online cafes provide consumers with an one-stop shopping experience for coffee tasting and production. It is understood that coffee equipment in the e-commerce platform is mostly scattered in kitchen and bathroom appliances, small household appliances and other categories; such as coffee beans, coffee powder, milk and other coffee production raw materials are divided into different categories.

Note that the coffee products on the e-commerce platform are no longer limited to simple instant coffee. Coffee equipment, coffee beans and other products have already landed on the major e-commerce platforms. Such as, Taobao and other e-commerce platforms, coffee equipment sales are considerable; what is worth buying and other shopping guide sites, there are often coffee machine product recommendations. With the progress of the social environment, Chinese people begin to pursue a quality of life, which is no longer satisfied with the way of brewing in the past, but is more fresh and fresh. Amazon has also seen clearly the changes in the consumption level of some people in China.