Coffee review

6 Things About Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Latte and cappuccino are both milk coffees, the main difference being the ratio of espresso, milk and foam. To make cappuccino, espresso, hot milk and foam should be equal (1:1:1), while latte should be made with more hot milk (1:2:1). Latte tastes more creamy and creamy, while cappuccino is slightly dried.

The letter was written to her on his deathbed: "forgive me for lying to you all the time. Do you remember the first time I bought you a cup of coffee?" At that time, the atmosphere was very bad. I was very uncomfortable and nervous. I didn't know how to tell the young lady to bring some salt. In fact, I didn't add salt. Since I said it at that time, I had to make a mistake. Unexpectedly, it aroused your curiosity, which made me drink coffee with salt for half my life. There are many times, I want to tell you, but I am afraid that you will be angry, more afraid that you will leave me. Now I am finally not afraid, because I am going to die, the dead are always easy to forgive, right? Getting you in this life is my greatest happiness, if there is an afterlife, I also hope to marry you, but, I do not want to drink coffee with salt, coffee with salt, that taste, how bad. Add salt to the coffee. How did I come up with it? " The content of the letter surprised her and felt cheated at the same time. However, he did not know, how much she wanted to tell him how happy she was that someone could cheat for her for the rest of her life. Later, when they dated frequently, she found that he was actually a very good man, magnanimous, careful and considerate. It accords with the characteristics that all the good men she admires should have. She secretly rejoiced that thanks to her politeness at that time, she did not pass him by. She took him to every cafe in the city, and every time she said, "could you bring me some salt, please?" My friend likes salt in his coffee. " Later, as written in the fairy tale, "the prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after." They really lived happily, and for more than forty years, until he died of illness not long ago, the young lady brought the salt, and he put some in and drank it slowly. She was a curious woman, so she asked him, "Why do you add salt?" He was silent for a moment, almost word by word, said: "when I was a child, my family lived by the sea. I was always soaking in the sea. The waves came and the sea poured into my mouth, bitter and salty." Now, I haven't been home for a long time. Adding salt to my coffee is a sign of homesickness. Bring it closer. " She was suddenly moved, because this was the first time she had heard a man say homesick in front of her. She thought that a homesick man must be a family man, and a family man must be a family man. She suddenly had a desire to talk to him about her hometown thousands of miles away, and the cold atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and the two talked for a long time, and she did not refuse him to take her home latte and cappuccino both belong to milk coffee, the main difference lies in the different proportion of espresso, milk and milk foam.

For cappuccino, the amount of espresso, hot milk and foam should be the same (1:1:1), while hot latte milk is more (1:2:1). The latte tastes more compact and delicate, while cappuccino is slightly dry espresso is made by letting hot water flow through a handful of fine coffee powder under high pressure, with high caffeine concentration and coffee fat. And dripping coffee is to let boiling water through the coarse ground coffee powder, caffeine concentration is low, basically no coffee fat, more suitable for drinking in large quantities on the variety, coffee trees are mainly divided into two kinds: one is Arabica, the other is Robusta. Arabica coffee is mainly produced in tropical South America, such as Central Brazil, with smaller bean shape, lower caffeine content and higher price.

Robusta is produced in Madagascar in west-central and eastern Africa, as well as Indonesia in Asia, with large beans, about twice as much caffeine as Arabica, and low prices.

About 75% of the world's coffee is Arabica, but only 10% is coffee that can be used in upscale coffee shops. According to the American grade, the roasting of coffee beans can be divided into eight stages from shallow to deep. The taste of coffee mainly depends on the baking degree. Generally, the deeper the roasting degree, the stronger the bitter taste, and the lower the roasting degree, the higher the sour taste. The depth of roasting mainly depends on the characteristics of raw beans, personal preferences and other factors. Coffee has changed from the strange taste of foreign things more than a decade ago to a cup of leisure drink for today's fashionable white-collar workers. And there are not a few people who are addicted to coffee and are willing to spend a lot of time in a long line at Starbucks, but dare you say you really know anything about coffee? Or do those cups of drinks that look like petty bourgeoisie make you feel superior? Self-willed, through the following six strides to the coffee shop