Coffee review

MY ZONE coffee joined to break the tradition and dominate the market by "characteristics".

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If Starbucks in the high-end office complex has established people's first impression of coffee shop business, leisure and petty bourgeoisie. Then on the island, the soft sofa and a variety of economically delicious packages show people another amorous feelings of the coffee shop. In fact, Starbucks and Shangdao are just two versions of coffee shops. With the growing popularity of coffee culture in China, all kinds of special coffee

If the "Starbucks" in the high-end office complex has established people's first impression of coffee shop business, leisure and petty bourgeoisie. Then in "Shangdao", soft sofas and economically delicious packages show people another kind of amorous feelings of coffee shops. In fact, Starbucks and Shangdao are just two versions of coffee shops. With the gradual popularity of coffee culture in China, a variety of specialty coffee shops have sprung up in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other large and medium-sized cities. Now in second-and third-tier cities, various brands of coffee franchise shops are also dazzling. Appear in the streets of the city.

A rising tide lifts all boats in the coffee market, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In China, the coffee industry has entered the "golden period" of joining. As a result, there is another problem, coffee franchise products homogenization, service homogenization, channel homogenization, and even follow the marketing techniques. There's almost nothing others can't do about what you can do! Therefore, if a coffee brand wants to dominate the market in an invincible position, it must be innovative, distinctive, and must have a unique and distinctive brand culture orientation. Just like the "blue ocean strategy" often mentioned in the industry, it is also the same reason.

In the face of the endless stream of coffee franchise brands in the market, is there a "distinctive" coffee franchise? The answer is yes, of course. It's MY ZONE coffee.

MY ZONE is a coffee franchise brand invested and developed by the City Hotel Group. The sharing group has a team lineup with thousands of storefront design experience. In addition to the American LOFT style, fresh country style and post-industrial style loved by consumers in the market, you can also think about how to integrate my site into it according to the city where the coffee franchisee is located and the characteristics of the surrounding business area. Therefore, every franchise shop of coffee in my site gives full play to its individual characteristics on the basis of brand unity.

In terms of design, my site Coffee not only emphasizes that each store should have its own unique style, but also integrates the brand's main cartoon spokesman balls, "fun, fashion, personality" elements into it, without destroying the original design style of the store. This not only improves the awareness of the brand, but also retains the uniqueness of "a thousand stores and thousands of noodles".

We all know that the current Chinese consumer market has been replaced by a new generation of customers born in the 1980s and 1990s, who pursue fashion, like new things and like things that show their personal charm. MY ZONE grasped their playful mentality and developed ball cartoons, animations, toys, books, games and so on. It has been released by a number of mobile Internet platforms, and has been forwarded and spread by Sina, Sohu, Tianya, Maopu, Tencent and other cultural channels throughout the year, rapidly accumulating tens of millions of fans.

Coffee in my territory has not been established for a long time, but the recognition of consumers and coffee franchisees is very high, as evidenced by the increase in membership and the continuous opening of franchisees every day. And it is precisely because my territory coffee is still in the stage of development, so the coffee franchise in the market has not yet reached saturation, on the contrary, the official "golden period". If you really have a discerning eye, I believe you have already seen the huge business opportunities here. The future is not a dream, so start by joining my site Coffee.