Coffee review

Yunnan Agricultural University applies for the addition of coffee undergraduate major

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I learned from Yunnan Agricultural University yesterday that the university decided to apply for an additional undergraduate major in coffee and coffee engineering outside the catalogue of undergraduate majors in ordinary colleges and universities across the country, and invited relevant experts to attend the seminar. Coffee industry insiders said that if the professional declaration is successful, it will bring benefits to the training of talents in Yunnan coffee industry and be conducive to the development of the industry. Yunnan colleges and universities add characteristic agricultural specialties

I learned from Yunnan Agricultural University yesterday that the university decided to apply for an additional undergraduate major of "Coffee and Coffee Engineering" outside the catalogue of undergraduate majors in ordinary colleges and universities across the country, and invited relevant experts to attend the seminar. Coffee industry insiders said that if the professional declaration is successful, it will bring benefits to the training of talents in Yunnan coffee industry and be conducive to the development of the industry.

Yunnan colleges and universities add characteristic agricultural specialties

Yunnan has unique advantages in developing plateau characteristic agriculture. In order to better reserve human resources, Yunnan colleges and universities have also set up characteristic agriculture majors to attract talents in recent years. The "Potato College" opened by Yunnan normal University has attracted a lot of attention, but now Yunnan Agricultural University has officially declared the "Coffee and Coffee Project".

According to reports, at present, there are no undergraduate majors in colleges and universities that can fully link up with the training of talents in the coffee industry, and only relevant majors in agriculture, food engineering, and agricultural and forestry economic management, which is difficult to meet the needs of the industry for talents. Yunnan Agricultural University applied to add the undergraduate major of "Coffee and Coffee Engineering", mainly relying on the Tropical crops College of Yunnan Agricultural University. The college cooperates deeply with Nestl é (China) Company, Lincang Lingfeng Coffee Industry Development Co., Ltd., Yunnan Aili Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Group) Co., Ltd., and the Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. a relatively complete practical teaching system has been constructed, and a talent training model of "production, learning and research" has been preliminarily established, which has the basic conditions for setting up coffee and coffee engineering majors. The addition of coffee and coffee engineering major in Yunnan Agricultural University will increase the connotation of the discipline, highlight the characteristics, and reflect the specialty to meet the requirements of industrial development.

It is reported that at present, the school has announced the new majors applied for. In addition to the "Coffee and Coffee Engineering" major, it will also apply for two new majors: environmental design, physical geography and resources and environment. After declaration, publicity and approval by the Ministry of Education, students can be enrolled next year.

From the contents of the application form of coffee and coffee engineering major of Yunnan Agricultural University, we can see that the coffee and coffee engineering major declared by Yunnan Agricultural University this time is aimed at high school graduates and junior college graduates, and the standard academic system for the number of years of study is 4 years. The degree awarded is a bachelor of agriculture or a bachelor of engineering.

The training goal of this major is to adapt to the theoretical and practical abilities needed by the corresponding positions (or post groups) in the coffee industry chain, such as coffee cultivation and processing, coffee product development, coffee evaluation and inspection, coffee enterprise operation and management, coffee culture development and so on.

What are these students going to learn in the future? As can be seen from the application form, compulsory courses include basic courses such as botany, agrometeorology, crop genetics and breeding, plant protection, introduction to coffee, coffee review and inspection, coffee trade and other professional core courses. professional post courses such as the development of cultivation and primary processing technology, coffee product development, coffee blending technology, coffee shop management and management, as well as professional practice courses such as on-the-job internship and vocational skills intensive training.

As for the future employment situation, the school analysis points out that through four years of theoretical study and practical training, students of this major can work in coffee production, technology promotion, coffee product development and cultural development departments, state-owned, private and various joint-stock companies. engaged in coffee cultivation and processing, coffee evaluation and inspection, coffee product development, coffee enterprise operation and management, product sales and coffee culture development related management and services Can be engaged in related work in hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, etc., or you can start your own business or engage in related work.


Yunnan Coffee urgently needs the Reserve of Professionals

In the past, Yunnan Agricultural University and a number of coffee enterprises and scientific research institutes in Yunnan have opened a tropical crop college in Pu'er, and Yunnan Aili Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Group) Co., Ltd. is also among the cooperative schools to provide practical opportunities for students. With regard to setting up specialties, Gong Qionghui, a staff member of the company, said that Yunnan is currently a major coffee growing province, but there is still a gap between Yunnan and some cities such as Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen and other cities in terms of talent reserves. at present, enterprises also need talents who have the knowledge of the whole coffee industry chain, so they are optimistic about the establishment of specialties.