Coffee review

The Japanese man died from drinking too much coffee. It is only healthy to drink coffee like this.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A man in his 20s in Kyushu, Japan died of caffeine poisoning after drinking a refreshing caffeinated drink for a long time, Japanese media reported. The Ministry of Food Safety of Japan's Ministry of Health and Labor said it had not heard of caffeine poisoning deaths in China, and the above case may be the first reported death from long-term caffeine poisoning in Japan.

A man in his 20s in Kyushu, Japan died of caffeine poisoning after drinking a refreshing caffeinated drink for a long time, Japanese media reported. The Ministry of Food Safety of Japan's Ministry of Health and Labor said it had not heard of caffeine poisoning deaths in China, and the above case could be the first report of long-term caffeine poisoning deaths in Japan. More than 10 deaths have been reported in the United States, which sells high-content drinks.

Many people like to drink coffee in afternoon tea or when they are sleepy. Drinking some coffee every day can effectively lower blood pressure and prevent dementia, but don't drink too much or it will kill you as mentioned above. Next, let's introduce how to drink coffee to be healthy.

When people feel tired from exercise or mental work, adenosine is gradually hoarded in the brain as a product of energy metabolism, making people feel tired. If you drink coffee at this time, then caffeine will replace adenosine in the brain attached to the adenosine receptor, so that people do not feel tired, thus preventing drowsiness. If you drink coffee during a nap, you can get a good state of mind after 20-30 minutes. The human body secretes melatonin to resist aging factor reactive oxygen species when sleeping at night, and can resist it by polyphenols in coffee during the day to achieve the anti-aging effect. However, it should be noted that caffeine stimulates excessive secretion of gastric acid, so people with excessive stomach acid should drink less coffee and be more careful not to drink coffee on an empty stomach.