Coffee review

Research and consultation report on current situation, Market Evaluation and Investment Prospect of China's Coffee chain Market from 2016 to 2020

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The consultation report on Market Evaluation and Investment Prospect of China's Coffee chain Market from 2016 to 2020 released by Booz data introduces the relevant overview of the coffee chain industry, the operating environment of China's coffee chain industry, and analyzes the current situation of China's coffee chain industry. the competition pattern of the coffee chain industry, the analysis of the management of key enterprises in China's coffee chain industry and the analysis of Chinese coffee chain industry.

The consultation report on Market Evaluation and Investment Prospect of China's Coffee chain Market from 2016 to 2020 released by Booz data introduces the relevant overview of the coffee chain industry, the operating environment of China's coffee chain industry, and analyzes the current situation of China's coffee chain industry, the competition pattern of China's coffee chain industry, This paper analyzes the operation status of key enterprises in China's coffee chain industry and forecasts the development prospect and investment of China's coffee chain industry. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the coffee chain industry or want to invest in the coffee chain industry, this report is an indispensable tool for you.

The first part is the perspective of industrial environment

Chapter I Overview of the development of coffee chain industry 1

Section 1 the development of coffee chain industry 1

Section II Analysis of the Economic indicators of China's Coffee chain Industry in recent 3-5 years 2

1. Profitability 2

2. Growth rate 2

Third, the room for improvement of added value 3

IV. Barriers to entry / exit mechanism 3

5. Risk 4

VI. Industry cycle 6

VII. Index of fierce competition 8

VIII. Judgment of the cyclical stage of the current industry development 8

Section III Analysis of the Development of related Industries 8

Chapter II Environmental Analysis of Coffee chain Industry (PEST) 10

Section 1 political and legal Environment of Coffee chain Industry (P) 10

I. Major policies and regulations of the industry 10

Second, the impact of the policy environment on the industry 10

Section II Analysis of Industry Economic Environment (E) 12

I. Analysis of the international macroeconomic situation 12

1. Performance of major economies in 2016 12

2. world economic development and policy prospects 27

II. Analysis of the domestic macroeconomic environment 29

1. Analysis of the economic operation situation in 2016

2. the main problems in the current economic operation 42

3. Analysis of future macro-control policy orientation 44

III. Analysis of the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the industry 45

Section III Analysis of Industry Social Environment (S) 45

I. Social environment of chain operation industry 45

II. The impact of social environment on the industry 46

Section IV Technical Environment Analysis of the Industry (T) 47

I. the main technological development trends of the industry 47

Second, the impact of technological environment on the industry 47

Chapter III International Comparative Analysis of Coffee chain Industry 48

Section 1 Analysis of the Competitiveness Index of China's Coffee chain Industry 48

Section II International Comparative Analysis of Economic indicators of China's Coffee chain Industry 50

Section III Market demand Analysis of Global Coffee chain Industry 50

First, the current situation of market scale 50

II. Demand structure analysis 51

III. Market prospects 51

Section IV Market supply Analysis of Global Coffee chain Industry 52

I. Market price trend 52

II. Distribution of key enterprises 53

The second part is the analysis of industry operation.

Chapter IV Analysis of the present situation of Coffee Industry 55

Section 1 Development of Coffee Industry in China 55

I. the source and course of the development of China's coffee industry 55

II. The development of independent brands in China's coffee industry 56

III. The crossroads of China's coffee industry 56

IV. Correlation Analysis of "Coffee partner" in China's Coffee Industry

Section II Overview of the operation of China's coffee market 59

I. Summary of the development of China's coffee market 59

II. Evaluation of China's instant coffee market 60

III. Analysis of coffee bean production in China in 2016

Section III Analysis of the Price orientation of Coffee products 62

I. the most suitable price for coffee products that consumers think is 62

II. Consumers of different genders think that the most suitable price for coffee products 63

Third, consumers of different ages think that the most suitable price for coffee products is 65

IV. Consumers of different incomes think that the most suitable price for coffee products 68

Section IV investigation and Analysis of Coffee consumers in China 71

I. the main factors affecting consumers' choice of coffee 71

2. analysis of consumers' taste recognition of coffee brands 72

III. Analysis of consumers' preference for coffee location and packaging 73

IV. Analysis of consumers' recognition of coffee capacity 73

V. Analysis of consumers' recognition of coffee sales terminals 73

Section 5 ready-to-drink coffee market 74

I. Evaluation of China's ready-to-drink coffee beverage market 74

II. Domestic ready-to-drink coffee consumption characteristics and marketing countermeasures 75

Development trend and Prospect of ready-to-drink Coffee Beverage in China 77

Fourth, China's ready-to-drink coffee beverage market urgently needs training 78

Chapter V Analysis of Regional Development of Coffee Industry 79

Section 1 Yunnan 79

I. the development of coffee industry in Yunnan 79

II. SWOT Analysis of Coffee Industry in Yunnan Province

III. Analysis of the challenges facing the coffee industry in Yunnan, China 83

IV. main Countermeasures for the Development of Coffee Industry in Yunnan Province 84

Fifth, the analysis of the strategy of brand culture construction in Yunnan coffee industry 89

VI. Strategic Analysis of Coffee Marketing channels in Yunnan Province

Section 2 Hainan 91

I. the development of coffee industry in Hainan 91

II. The advantages of developing coffee industry in Hainan 93

Third, Chengmai County Fushan Coffee has quietly become a strong industry in Hainan 93

IV. other measures for the development of coffee industry in Hainan Province

Section 3 Shanghai 95

I. the macro market of Shanghai coffee industry 95

II. Current situation of coffee market in Shanghai 96

III. Analysis of the characteristics of consumer groups in Shanghai coffee market 100

Fourth, the present situation of coffee consumption in Shanghai and the subdivision of cafes 101

V. Development trend of Shanghai Coffee Industry 103

Section IV other 103

I. coffee beans 103 were successfully cultivated in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region for the first time.

II. Analysis of the current situation of coffee industry in Chengdu 104

III. Comprehensive operation of coffee industry in Hangzhou 107

Chapter VI Analysis of the present situation of chain Operation Industry 109

Section 1 the development of chain operation in China 109

I. the development of chain operation in China 109

II. The main achievements in the development of chain operation in China 110

III. Comparison of chain operation characteristics between China and major developed countries 111

IV. Five principles for the Development of chain Management in China 114

Section II the development of chain operation industry in China 116

I. the enterprise pattern of chain operation industry in China 116

II. Analysis on the Development of chain Management Industry in China 117

III. The Development trend of chain Management Industry in China 117

Section III the Development of Rural chain Management in China 117

I. the feasibility and advantages of the development of rural chain operation 117

II. The course and current situation of the development of rural chain operation in China 119

III. The factors restricting the development of rural chain operation in China 120

IV. measures to realize chain operation in rural retail industry 122

V. Research on promoting the investment prospect of rural chain operation 123

Section IV Analysis of related topics in the development of chain operation 125

I. Analysis of supply chain management mode in chain operation 125

Second, the construction of the monitoring system for the implementation of commercial chain strategy 128

III. Financial Management of chain Commercial Enterprises 134

IV. Analysis on the change of thinking of location selection in chain Enterprises 136

Section 5 Analysis of the problems existing in chain operation in China 139

1. Misunderstandings in the development of chain operation industry in China 139

II. The main problems in the development of chain operation in China 143

III. Factors restricting the development of local chain enterprises 145

IV. Marketing defects of chain enterprises in China 147

Section VI Countermeasures for promoting the development of chain operation in China 149

I. suggestions on promoting the healthy Development of China's chain Management Industry 149

II. Thinking on the path of the development and growth of local chain enterprises 151

III. Research and analysis on the operation strategy of chain enterprises 153

IV. The profit model innovation strategy of chain enterprises in China 158

The third part is the analysis of competition pattern.

Chapter VII Analysis of the Competition pattern of Coffee chain Market 160

Section 1 Analysis of Industry Competition structure 160

I. Competition among existing enterprises 160

II. Potential entrant analysis 160

III. Substitute threat analysis 161

Supplier bargaining power 162

Customer bargaining power 162

Section II Industry concentration Analysis 162

I. Analysis of market concentration 162

Second, enterprise concentration analysis 162

III. Regional concentration analysis 163

Section III comparison of International Competitiveness of Industry 163

I. conditions of demand 163

II. Support and related industries 164

III. Enterprise Strategy, structure and competitive State 164

IV. The role of the Government 165

Section IV Competitiveness Analysis of main Enterprises in Coffee chain Industry 165

I. Comparative analysis of the total assets of key enterprises 165

Second, comparative analysis of employees in key enterprises 166

III. Comparative analysis of annual operating income of key enterprises 167

IV. Comparative analysis of the total profits of key enterprises 168

V. Comparative Analysis of Comprehensive Competitiveness of key Enterprises 168

Section V Analysis of the Competition pattern of Coffee chain Industry 169

I. Competition Analysis of Coffee chain Industry in 2016 169

II. Analysis of domestic and foreign coffee chain competition in 2016 169

III. Competition Analysis of China's Coffee chain Market in 2016 169

IV. Analysis on the concentration degree of China's coffee chain market in 2016

Chapter 8 ranking of major enterprises and analysis of industrial chain structure 172

Section 1 ranking Analysis of Industry Enterprises 172

Section II SWOT Analysis of Coffee chain Industry

I. Analysis of the advantages of coffee chain industry 172

II. Disadvantage Analysis of Coffee chain Industry 174

Opportunities for coffee chain industry 176

IV. Threats from the coffee chain industry

Section III Analysis of the structure of the industrial value chain and the overall competitive advantage of the industrial chain 179

I. the composition of the industrial value chain 179

II. Analysis of competitive advantages and disadvantages of industrial chain 179

Chapter IX Analysis of key Enterprises 181

Section 1 Starbucks 181

I. Enterprise profile 181

Second, enterprise market positioning 181

III. Analysis of enterprise management 183

IV. core competitiveness of enterprises 185

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 185

Section 2 Nestle Coffee 187

I. Enterprise profile 187

II. Enterprise market positioning 187

III. Enterprise management analysis 188

IV. the core competitiveness of enterprises 188

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 190

Section 3 Maxwell 190

I. Enterprise profile 190

II. Enterprise market positioning 191

Product characteristic analysis 191

Fourth, the core competitiveness of enterprises 191

V. Hot spots related to enterprises 192

Section 4 Shangdao Coffee 192

I. Enterprise profile 192

II. Enterprise market positioning 193

III. Enterprise Management Analysis 194

IV. core competitiveness of enterprises 194

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 195

Section 5 Jia Shijia 195

I. Enterprise profile 195

II. Enterprise production process 197

III. Analysis of Enterprise Management 197

IV. the core competitiveness of enterprises 198

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 198

Section 6 UCC leisurely Poems 198

I. Enterprise profile 198

2. analysis of enterprise characteristics 198

III. Enterprise Management Analysis 199

IV. Enterprise Core Competitiveness 199

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 200

Section 7 Dior DIO200

I. Enterprise profile 200

Second, the analysis of enterprise characteristics 201

III. Enterprise Management Analysis 201

Fourth, the core competitiveness of enterprises 202

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect investigation and Planning 203

Section 8 Coffee on both sides of the Strait 203

I. Enterprise profile 203

2. Enterprise Brand characteristics 204

III. Enterprise Management Analysis 204

IV. Enterprise Core Competitiveness 205

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 207

Section 9 Mingdian Coffee 208

I. Enterprise profile 208

Second, the main products of the enterprise 208

Third, enterprise management analysis 209

IV. Enterprise Core Competitiveness 209

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 210

Section 10 Hougu Coffee 210

I. Enterprise profile 210

II. Analysis of Enterprise characteristics 211

III. Enterprise Management Analysis 211

IV. Enterprise Core Competitiveness 211

V. Enterprise Industry Prospect Research Plan 212

Chapter 10 Analysis of the overall Operation Index of China's Coffee chain Industry in 2016 214

Section I Analysis of the overall scale of China's Coffee chain Industry 214

I. quantity Analysis of Enterprises 214

II. Industry scale analysis 214

Section II production and Marketing Analysis of Chinese Coffee chain Industry 215

I. overall analysis of the industry situation 215

II. Overall analysis of industry sales revenue 216

Section III overall analysis of financial indicators of China's coffee chain industry 216

First, industry profitability analysis 216

II. Analysis of industry solvency 217

III. Analysis of industry operating capacity 218

IV. Analysis of Industry Development capability 219