Coffee review

Reform the coffee retail model and introduce a new entrepreneurial concept Wheelys Coffee shows up with green technology

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Wheelys Coffee, founded in 2014, uses intelligent and environmentally friendly mobile coffee cars to make and sell high-quality coffee and improve business efficiency through the mobile Internet. In 2015, Wheelys Coffee received investment from Y Combinator, a famous Silicon Valley incubator. Wheelys entered China in 2016, and the first mobile coffee cars were put into use in Shanghai in May. Large chain enterprises monopolize the whole

Wheelys Coffee, founded in 2014, uses intelligent and environmentally friendly mobile coffee cars to make and sell high-quality coffee and improve business efficiency through the mobile Internet. In 2015, Wheelys Coffee received investment from Y Combinator, a famous Silicon Valley incubator. Wheelys entered China in 2016, and the first mobile coffee cars were put into use in Shanghai in May.

Large chains monopolize the entire coffee industry, but only offer clones that lack differentiation and surprise. We hope to break this situation and provide consumers with higher quality, more convenient, more personalized and healthier organic coffee, "said Maria De La Croix, founder and CEO of Wheelys Coffee. "our unique business model provides an entrepreneurial opportunity for many young people to gradually accumulate experience and capital to realize their ideals in life."

More convenient and better quality

Traditional coffee chains sell coffee through offline counters, and customers often have to wait for a long time to enjoy a cup of coffee. Wheelys Coffee provides consumers with a more convenient solution. Customers can use their mobile phones to find the nearest mobile coffee cart, make an online reservation, pick it up by themselves, and say goodbye to the long wait. In addition to its own mobile coffee cart, Wheelys Coffee has also partnered with many independent cafes to build a coffee O2O platform with both personalized and high-quality products to provide high-quality coffee delivery services for coffee lovers.

Because it saves the extra cost of operating physical stores, Wheelys Coffee can devote more resources to the research and development of coffee cars and the improvement of product quality, so that consumers can enjoy more convenient and high-quality coffee at lower prices.

Wheelys coffee rejects the trend of fast food in the industry and only selects organic coffee beans that are free of pesticides and public hazards. Such as "Indonesian Idol", coffee beans grow in the mountains of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 1500 meters above sea level, with syrup-like water and low acidity, and are one of the most mellow coffee bean varieties in the world. after semi-washing and processing, it creates a regional flavor of thick, soft, black cherry and bitter chocolate.

In addition to "Indonesian Idol", Wheelys Coffee also offers other types of coffee beans such as "Rwanda burst", "Guatemalan Poison" and "Kenyan kamikaze", as well as hand-brewed coffee and dripping coffee, which are rarely offered by coffee chains but are more stringent on the quality and production process of coffee beans. In the near future, Wheelys Coffee will also offer more personalized customized coffee. Mobile coffee car owners can customize the coffee according to the needs of customers, and set their own unique taste by customizing the type of coffee beans, coffee temperature, pressing pressure and cooking time.

More technology, more environmental protection

The environmental problems behind the traditional coffee industry can not be underestimated. A 2012 study by the Latin American Research Business Association (Business Association of Latin America Studies) showed that carbon emissions per kilogram of raw coffee were as high as 4.98kg. Coffee capsules (K-Cup), which are common in offices, are extremely difficult to recycle.

Wheelys mobile coffee car ensures the carbon balance of the coffee car through advanced technology, and minimizes the carbon emissions of coffee production and consumption. The newly developed fourth-generation Wheelys intelligent coffee car "Green Knight" (Green Warrior) is powered by electric power. Solar panels and wind generators on the roof power the entire mobile coffee cart, including a freezer, three stoves and a mobile greenhouse that displays fresh coffee plants. The Wheelys coffee car even comes with an air filter that filters more than 6500 cubic meters of air a day to reduce surrounding air pollution.

At the same time, coffee residue can also be used with suitable fertilizer to cultivate indoor green plants. On the other hand, the mobile coffee car saves the high energy cost of physical stores and further reduces the damage to the environment caused by coffee production and consumption.

New model, new opportunity

Maintaining the operation of traditional coffee shops requires high franchise fees, building costs and operating costs, which deter coffee lovers and entrepreneurs. Wheelys Coffee's light-asset model opens the door for entrepreneurs. Applicants can own a Wheelys mobile coffee car at a very low cost, which is less than 1 per cent of the cost of a traditional coffee chain.

Relying on this innovative business model, Wheelys Coffee has been sought after by young entrepreneurs all over the world, and has spread to more than 50 countries and regions in one year.

The 2016 Asian Consumer Electronics Show will be held from May 11 to 13. Visitors and technology enthusiasts can come to booth 4628 of N4 Pavilion of Shanghai New International Expo Center to experience the green technology and innovative ideas of Wheelys coffee.