Coffee review

The 67-year-old coffee brews the flavor of Yunnan.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, It costs only 20 yuan to make coffee by hand! Chen Zhaixia, a resident of Yuanlin, set up a roadside stall to sell hand-made coffee every morning in order to promote Yunnan high-altitude coffee with those who like to drink curry fees. It was worth 20 yuan per cup, which really attracted many people to come and taste fresh.

It costs only 20 yuan to make coffee by hand! Chen Zhaixia, a resident of Yuanlin, set up a roadside stall to sell hand-made coffee every morning in order to promote Yunnan high-altitude coffee with those who like to drink curry fees. It was worth 20 yuan per cup, which really attracted many people to come and taste fresh.

Attracted by investment from the other side, Chen Zhaixia, 67, partnered with friends to set up a coffee factory in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province in 2002, specializing in the production of locally grown high-altitude coffee, with a peak export of 2500 tons of coffee beans a year, selling to two world-renowned coffee retailers.

Chen Zhaisha says that in the past, Taiwanese have always had a negative impression of products made and produced in China. In fact, in recent years, the Baoshan and Pu'er coffee producing areas in Yunnan have been planted on a large scale at a high altitude of 1300 to 1600 meters. The quality is not inferior to that of several major coffee producing areas in the world.

After retiring and returning to Taiwan at the end of last year, in order to promote Yunnan coffee, Chen Zhaisha would set up a stall in Baiguo Mountain on weekends. Because it was sold cheaply, it was very popular with tourists, and he was often too busy. Recently, he changed to a steakhouse run by his son on Yuying Road. He set up a stall outside the steakhouse on weekday mornings, with 20 yuan for black coffee and 50 yuan for iced coffee. He said with a smile that he didn't want to make money, but just wanted to share it with his colleagues.