Coffee review

Why are Starbucks, COSTA and other coffee shops scrambling to open stores in shopping malls?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The rapid expansion of coffee shops should be accompanied by differentiated operations, especially when they exist in the same shopping mall. With the continuous improvement of domestic consumers' cognitive ability of coffee, the requirements of coffee shops are no longer limited to the quality of coffee, they need high-recognition coffee brands, comfortable storefront environment and good service ability. Whether it is to determine the theme or optimize the store environment

The rapid expansion of coffee shops should be accompanied by differentiated operations, especially when they exist in the same shopping mall. With the continuous improvement of domestic consumers' cognitive ability of coffee, the requirements of coffee shops are no longer limited to the quality of coffee, they need high-recognition coffee brands, comfortable storefront environment and good service ability. Whether it is to determine the theme or optimize the store environment, coffee shops need to do more and more refined, and to segment the market, according to different positioning to meet the needs of the target customer group.

In addition, coffee chains are also looking for a new way out. There can be more cross-border cooperation, such as: banks + coffee, hospitals + coffee and other cross-industry business forms, in the future, coffee shops will be more diversified cross-border forms.

Industry insiders believe that with the cross-border mash-up of coffee shops in shopping malls and more and more formats, the target groups of brands can infiltrate and integrate with each other, so as to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of brands. For shopping centers, this mash-up model enhances the sense of experience of shopping malls, makes customers more relaxed and relaxed, maintains customer stickiness, and becomes a powerful weapon to deal with the impact of e-commerce.