Coffee review

Starbucks has a sudden change in painting style to sell food and launch 38 food products in one breath.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What is the soul of a cafe? Moreover, founder Howard Schultz also believes that coffee aroma is the soul of a cafe. He once shouted angrily to let the sandwich roll out of Starbucks because the strong smell of heated cheese obscured the aroma of coffee. Starbucks even set up a fragrance task force for the smell of cafes to try different roasting.

What is the soul of a cafe?

Moreover, founder Howard Schultz also believes that coffee aroma is the soul of a cafe. He once shouted angrily "Let the sandwich get out of Starbucks" because the strong smell of heated cheese obscured the aroma of coffee.

Starbucks has even set up a "fragrance task force" for the smell of cafes, experimenting with different ovens, cleaning ovens more frequently, limiting heating time, and even requiring manufacturers to redesign the vents of the ovens to ensure the aroma of coffee.

So why increase the proportion of meals now? Many star fans feel very confused.

03 does Starbucks want to maintain the tonality of a cafe?

Even the spaghetti is not a traditional shape; it is baked with white cheese cream sauce in a bread bowl and served with a knife and fork instead of chopsticks in a white porcelain square bowl.

You can hardly find the shadow of traditional spaghetti and feel that it is just an innocent passer-by who happens to call the name "spaghetti".

Spaghetti with tomato bacon and butterfly

△ tomato bacon butterfly spaghetti

In fact, although there are as many as 38 meals in one breath, almost all meals, like this spaghetti, are processed in the form of coffee, no matter how they are served, laid out, or eaten.

In addition, Starbucks makes coffee cards for special new foods-or they prefer to say that they are specially designed to go with all kinds of coffee.

For example, the double cheese ham toast with Parker Market baked coffee is full and not greasy, while the crispy grilled chicken and mushroom pie is considered the best meal in the United States or Sumatra.

Moreover, this time the product has also made great efforts in odor control. Even meat is a blend of diced meat stuffing with cheese and seasonings. In addition to the faint smell of cheese, the protagonist is still rich aroma of coffee.

So, does Starbucks want to keep the tone of a cafe? Do you already have the answer.

Four mysteries behind the 2004 Starbucks food revolution

There are four main changes in Starbucks' massive food revolution.

Greater proportion of meals

In terms of quantity alone, the proportion of meals has indeed increased.

Compared with drinks, the marginal benefits of meals are often more considerable. More importantly, it solves the troubles of countless cafes: customers leave as soon as it's time for dinner.

A stronger sense of existence

An eye-catching three-dimensional display

The eye-catching three-dimensional display of △

Meals are no longer inconspicuous gadgets in Starbucks pastry cabinets.

In order to attract the attention of consumers, Starbucks has adopted a three-dimensional display, using high and low pallets to hold 38 products. With such a large lineup and movements, it is difficult for consumers to ignore its new changes.

More salty products

It's plenty of double cheese ham toast.

△ has plenty of double cheese ham toast.

Starbucks launched seven salty foods at a time, which is seen as a tribute to the "Chinese stomach". Because for most Chinese stomachs, salty taste is obviously more likely to provide a sense of fullness. In addition, many meals such as double cheese, ham and toast are actually so full that even boys can have enough to eat.

In fact, salty food is indeed very popular. In previous media reviews, the most popular spaghetti with tomato, bacon and butterfly, and the beef and potato pie with the most potential for online celebrities, all came from the salty flavor system.

It looks more advanced.

In addition to the cool name, Starbucks food ingredients are more advanced. For example, after the upgrade, Starbucks' official statement is: using the highest grade French AOP butter, using professional pastry technology to make 16 layers of beehive heart.

In addition, the barista introduced a variety of new food recipes, including cheese alone, such as New Zealand Cheddar, Swiss Erdem and so on.

Just recently, Starbucks announced that it has invested in Princi, a well-known Italian baking brand, and will offer it at the Shanghai Bakery, which opens next year-in addition to a copper stove for baking coffee beans and a large stove for baking Italian bread. At the very least, the live experience is much more advanced.


It's all about coffee.

The purpose of the food revolution is to retain customers who come because of coffee.

The purpose of △ food revolution is to retain customers who come because of coffee.

The changes in these four aspects, whether it is food, sense of existence, or more advanced experience, are all adding points to coffee.

Because with the upsurge of boutique coffee, consumers are becoming more and more picky about the environment and products of cafes. Starbucks also launched meals to better capture the market.

But Starbucks also knows that keeping the tone and preventing the cafe from becoming a restaurant is a top priority of the food revolution.

For now at least, Starbucks has succeeded in setting an example: no matter how cross the border, coffee is always the core product for a cafe to grab the minds of customers, not anything else.

From this point of view, it is really a deliberate move to choose the best coffee "companion" for this kind of coffee.