Coffee review

Exhaust gas from Nestle Coffee Factory in Dongguan disturbs people

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many residents near the Nestle factory in Nancheng, Dongguan complained: don't think that coffee smells fragrant, it's a kind of suffering if you smell it for a long time! Nestle factories usually concentrate their emissions before 10:00 and after 7pm, when the white or even yellowish smoke can be clearly seen, and the coffee smells the most so that the windows are afraid to open. Public complaint: I have heard it for a long time.

Many residents near the Nestle factory in Nancheng, Dongguan complained: don't think that coffee smells fragrant, it's a kind of suffering if you smell it for a long time! Nestle factories usually concentrate their emissions before 10:00 and after 7pm, when the white or even yellowish smoke can be clearly seen, and the coffee smells the most so that the windows are afraid to open.

Complaints from members of the public:

Smelling it for a long time is a kind of suffering.

As the first Fortune 500 company to settle in Dongguan, Nestl é Co., Ltd. bought tens of thousands of square meters of wasteland to build a factory in Nancheng, Dongguan in 1988. With the process of urbanization, the factory is now surrounded by shops, office buildings and several large residential buildings.

A few days ago, the reporter drove to the Bank of China Dongguan Branch on Guantai Road, although it was still a few kilometers away from the Nestle factory, he could smell a smell of coffee. Walking to the Nancheng pedestrian street near the company, the coffee flavor is more intense. The reporter originally planned to enter the factory for an interview, but was told by the doorman: "We are just a production workshop here. If you want to know the situation, you have to contact the headquarters."

Liu Junsheng, the owner of the "Urban scenery" district, which is close to the Nestle factory, told reporters: "I used to like coffee very much, but after I lived here, I smelled that coffee every day, and now the mention of the word" coffee "makes me sick."

The "Jingcheng" district is no more than two kilometers away from the Nestle factory. Chen Min is recently planning to entrust an intermediary company to sell the house. "it's a kind of suffering after hearing it for a long time!" I have lived here for two years, and the furniture and floor of my house are often covered with soot, and all the visitors say that they are dizzy from coffee. " Chen Min also said that since 2009, community residents have repeatedly complained to the Dongguan Environmental Protection Bureau about the matter, but to no avail.

Environmental Protection Department:

It's not "smelly." it's "smelly."

Dongguan Environmental Protection Bureau also feels very helpless about the repeated complaints from citizens. The bureau said that the "coffee smell" smelled by residents around the Nestle factory should be "coffee odor", and its main odor is a variety of aromatic substances emitted after roasting, mainly furans, phenols and olefins. The smell can not be accepted by all people, when living in the environment of the smell for a long time, some people will think that it is a strange smell, or even a "bad smell". However, in the relevant national environmental protection technical specifications, the relevant monitoring technical specifications and relevant standards for food gases have not been established, so the environmental protection department does not have the monitoring basis and monitoring standard methods to monitor and evaluate the odor of this kind of coffee.

"the Nestle plant has a heating and baking process and the fuel is natural gas. According to the relevant management measures, we will carry out regular quarterly monitoring of the waste water produced by the company's cleaning process and the exhaust gas from the baking furnace, with the monitoring indicators of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and smoke color. " A person in charge of the Dongguan Environmental Monitoring Station said that since last year, the monitoring report of the Nestl é Dongguan factory shows that its four gas emission indicators are up to the standard.

Expert opinion:

Enterprises should manage the smell.

"at present, China's laws and regulations on odor only have the" malodorous Pollutant Emission Standard ", which stipulates the emission standards for eight kinds of odor pollutants and odor concentration." Chen Zunyu, a professor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University, said bluntly that although the specific substances that produce the smell of coffee are not necessarily in the range of eight malodorous pollutants, as long as it has a negative impact on people's lives, it can be regarded as malodorous pollution, and the odor concentration of the factory can be determined according to the standard to determine whether the smell of the factory exceeds the standard. After receiving the complaint, the environmental protection department can deal with it in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.

Chen Zunyu also said that at present, many industries are facing the problem of odor pollution. "first of all, enterprises should pay attention to the management and management of odors, seal the processes that may produce odors, and centralize the treatment of gases after collection, and environmental protection departments should also supervise key enterprises on a regular basis. But fundamentally speaking, it is still a matter of the concept of the enterprise, which can not only ensure the safety of employees and surrounding residents, but also improve production efficiency and product connotation, so as to achieve a win-win situation between the enterprise and the environment. "

The company responded:

Take measures to reduce environmental impact

Nestl é is not unaware of the complaints from residents. The company replied to the Yangcheng Evening News reporter: "Nestle Dongguan factory is a very special situation." The factory was built around a wasteland, but with the acceleration of urbanization, the factory was surrounded by the city. This situation brings difficulties not only to the surrounding residents, but also to the factories. We have been aware of the complaints in this regard and have taken proactive measures to resolve them. For example, since 2007, the Nestle Coffee Factory has invested nearly 10 million yuan to reburn the flue gas generated during the roasting process and install burners after roasting to reduce odor emissions. "

When asked whether the Nestl é Dongguan factory would move out of Nancheng, the company did not give a positive answer, saying only that "various measures will be actively taken to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment."