Coffee review

Nestl é plans to use robots to sell coffee and can understand more than 70% of daily conversations.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Global food giant Nestl é Japan plans to hire 1000 robots as salespeople to sell coffee machines and coffee capsules in major retail stores in Japan, global food giant Nestl é announced Monday. A spokesman for Nestl é Japan said: 'the first batch of robot salespeople will be on duty in December this year, and we are sure that our customers will enjoy shopping and robot services. Media reports

Global food giant Nestl é Japan plans to hire 1000 robots as salespeople to sell coffee machines and coffee capsules in major retail stores in Japan, global food giant Nestl é announced Monday.

A spokesman for Nestl é Japan said that the first batch of robot salespeople will take up their posts in December. "We are sure that our customers will enjoy shopping and robot services," a spokesman for Nestle Japan said.

According to media reports, the robot used by Nestl é Japan, named Pepper, was first launched by the Japanese company Softbank Corp. in June this year. Pepper is 120 centimeters tall and moves through a roller at the bottom, with a tablet-like device on its chest.

Pepper is said to be "emotional" and can understand 70% to 80% of people's daily conversations.