Coffee review

The owner of the coffee shop disappeared for more than 20 days and 28 employees were owed 140000 yuan in wages.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Yesterday, employees working in a coffee shop on Chunyuan West Road in Fancheng called our hotline, saying that their boss owed 28 employees 140000 yuan in wages and had been unable to contact them for more than 20 days, hoping that the relevant departments would help them ask for their wages. At 9: 00 a.m. on the same day, the reporter came to the front of the coffee shop, and 20 or 30 employees gathered around the reporter to tell their story: at 10:00 on the evening of September 29th, the boss, Miao, asked them to mention

Yesterday, employees working in a coffee shop on Chunyuan West Road in Fancheng called our hotline, saying that their boss owed 28 employees 140000 yuan in wages and had been unable to contact them for more than 20 days, hoping that the relevant departments would help them ask for their wages.

At 9: 00 a.m. on the same day, the reporter came to the front of the coffee shop, and 20 or 30 employees gathered around the reporter to tell their story: at 10:00 on the evening of September 29th, the boss Miao asked them to leave work two hours early. On the morning of the 30th, when the employees came to work, they found that the door of the coffee shop was locked. "I called Boss Miao as soon as possible. She said that she would send us 140000 yuan in arrears before October 15. After that, the phone was turned off, and until today, we didn't get paid, and Boss Miao couldn't get in touch with him. " The engineering lady said.

In order to help 28 employees ask for their wages, the reporter and employee representatives came to the labor security supervision brigade of Fancheng District at 11:00 in the morning.

Song Yaohui, head of the brigade, said: "as early as last Friday, we had already filed a case for the victimized employees and called Miao. The phone of the other party had been turned off." Song Yaohui pulled out the registration materials and showed them to reporters.

Song Yaohui said that at present, the labor security inspection brigade of Fancheng District has begun to collect evidence of Miao's malicious arrears of wages. according to the relevant law, the materials will be handed over to the public security organ within 90 working days, which will determine whether Miao has escaped or not. in order to go through the next judicial procedure, "I hope that Miao can assist in the investigation, and also hope that the victimized employees who are not present will come to submit evidence materials so that they can get their own wages as soon as possible."