Coffee review

Internet + smart coffee will be delivered to the field of strategic development focus

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Founded in August 2012, Coffee Box is a coffee delivery platform based on Weixin Official Accounts, providing delivery services for Starbucks (special reading), Costa and other coffee brands. In October last year, Lian Coffee quietly launched its own brand Coffee Box, focusing on expanding first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in its delivery business. Coffee, as a subdivision of the takeaway industry

Coffee Box's predecessor, Lian Coffee, was founded in August 2012 as a coffee delivery platform based on the official account of Wechat, providing delivery services for coffee brands such as Starbucks (feature Reading) and Costa. In October last year, Lian Coffee quietly launched its own brand Coffee Box, which focuses on expanding first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in its delivery business.

Coffee, as a subdivision of the takeout industry. In the takeout market full of giants,, Meituan, Baidu Nuomi and other major online food ordering platforms have already cut it into one of the delivery areas. Under the premise that the delivery business is the strategic focus of the enterprise, from coffee porters to how to run their own brands, there is no doubt that Coffee Box is facing a major challenge.

The field of delivery is the strategic focus.

Delivery service is one of the important strategies for Coffee Box brand development in the future. Talking about why brands focus on the field of delivery, the person in charge of Coffee Box revealed that China's coffee consumption is increasing year by year, and the market potential is very great. And the current ordering platform focuses on dinner delivery, focusing on the coffee field, Coffee Box is the only one in the country. Before establishing the brand, we made a survey of Starbucks. The adjustment found that there are often a large number of people waiting in line to go to Starbucks stores, and among these consumers, consumers tend to be white-collar workers, and take-out coffee accounts for the majority.

For white-collar workers with a fast pace of work, it takes more time to buy coffee, and the delivery business meets the need for a good cup of coffee anytime, anywhere. Therefore, at the beginning, Lian Coffee is to distribute Starbucks as the main business. The person in charge of Coffee Box said that by sending out coffee from brands such as Starbucks, we can know the age of the users of take-out coffee, where they come from, and what kind of coffee they like. After accumulating enough users, Lian Coffee began to switch to its own brand Coffee Box. At present, even coffee has begun to spin off Starbucks' delivery service in the Red Sea market, where coffee is being delivered.

In addition, the rapid growth of China's coffee market speeds up the diversion of consumers, and the needs of customers will become more and more diversified. At the low end of last year, Lian Coffee Micro Service announced that it would increase the service charge for some cooperative brands from 2 yuan per order to 5 yuan per order. The purpose is to cultivate consumers' spending habits of "splicing orders", and at the same time help to provide the distribution efficiency of stores. Give users a better consumer experience.

Why cultivate your own brand?

In October 2015, from the delivery platform of "only working as a coffee porter", to developing and distributing our own coffee brands. Even coffee has cut off other coffee delivery businesses, such as Starbucks, and even updated its name, using Coffee Box directly and deliberately making it an independent brand.

In this regard, the person in charge of Coffee Box said that during the period of purchasing Starbucks products, it is difficult to form a closed loop, and the model is easy to copy. Starbucks once put forward a concept: "where Starbucks is, where people are", while Coffee Box happens to be a counter-election, that is, "where people are, coffee is there!" In addition, the diversified development of consumer categories has brought about the diversion of consumer groups, and the demand level of consumers begins to appear in all kinds of differences. in this process, there must be some people who do not spend in the store. there will also be a more diversified brand demand for delivery.

In addition, the coffee delivery market in China is far from reaching a mature stage, the heat of the capital delivery market is gradually cooling, the simple coffee delivery platform will face a very severe survival challenge. Set up its own brand and launch a chain of coffee shops. It has formed a bottom-up expansion path, because the Chinese coffee market is still in the blue ocean market.

No dining room to make it easier to choose the location of the store

At present, Coffee Box has more than 800000 users nationwide, and the average daily takeout delivery is about 5000. Coffee Box already has more than 60 physical stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, including 14 in Guangzhou. The average area of each store is 15 to 20 square meters, each store is equipped with a console, a packing table, as well as baristas and distributors. The coffee workshop is just a distribution site, and users can also choose to pick it up if they want.

While Coffee Box specializes in coffee delivery, there are few restaurants in stores. This is mainly to form differential competition with other coffee chain brands. According to reports, the consumption scenarios of Coffee Box are hospitals, conference centers and office buildings. Consumers in these scenarios have a demand for coffee, but it is likely that eating in a restaurant is not allowed in terms of time. For Coffee Box, not setting up restaurant meals can not only save store costs, but also make store location easier, so it can greatly increase the speed of store replication.

Coffee Box is to quickly achieve seamless coverage in the central urban area in the form of the layout of the coffee distribution service in the core business district of Beishang. As for the location of the store, the head of Coffee Box said that the brand has strict requirements on the location of the store, and the data will be used to determine whether the place is suitable for opening a store. "unlike traditional cafes, Coffee Box stores do not need to be located in streets with large crowds, or even in inconspicuous corners." As for the future store expansion, he revealed that in addition to continuing to cultivate first-tier cities, Coffee Box does not rule out expanding to second-tier cities