Coffee review

The 26th World Coffee Science Congress settled in Yunnan

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few days ago, with the approval of the people's Government of Yunnan Province, the 26th World Coffee Science Congress will be held in Kunming from November 13 to November 19, 2016, when scientists from all over the world will gather in Kunming. there will be a Huashan debate on coffee and health, coffee chemistry, coffee agronomy and other scientific topics. According to the organizing committee of the conference, the main venue of the conference is located in Kunming.

A few days ago, approved by the People's Government of Yunnan Province, the 26th World Coffee Science Congress will be held in Kunming from November 13 to November 19, 2016. At that time, scientists from all over the world will gather in Kunming to launch a "Huashan Discussion Sword" around coffee and health, coffee chemistry, coffee agronomy and other scientific topics.

According to the organizing committee of the conference, the main venue of the conference is set up in Kunming, and there are two sub-venues in Dehong Mang City and Chongqing. During the conference, Kunming, the main venue, will not only have speeches by scientists, but also activities such as "China Cup Coffee Cup Competition". There will also be exhibitions and exhibitions in Intercontinental Hotel and South Asia Style Park. Citizens will have the opportunity to see many coffee brands from home and abroad and feel the coffee style at home and abroad. At the same time, the "First Asian Coffee Annual Conference" and "Chinese Coffee Night" will be held in Mang City. In Chongqing branch venue, the foundation laying ceremony of "Ten Thousand Tons Coffee Industrial Park" will also be held as scheduled.

It is reported that the World Coffee Science Conference is known as the "Olympic" event of the world coffee industry. The conference is held every two years. It is the only, most influential and authoritative international conference in the world coffee industry. Its influence is second only to Davos Forum. Because Yunnan coffee planting ecological environment is unique, its climatic conditions are similar to Colombia, after many comparative tests, comparisons, studies have proved that Yunnan coffee cup quality can be comparable to the quality of coffee in Central America high altitude areas, is a high-quality coffee. However, Yunnan has high-quality coffee raw materials, coffee sales are in an awkward position, and there are few local brands. The two are in sharp contrast. In this case, Yunnan coffee urgently needs to open a door to the world. The 26th World Coffee Science Congress was held in Kunming, which was a new opportunity for coffee researchers, technical experts, producers and sellers from all over the world to gather together to understand and publicize Yunnan coffee.

Up to now, the conference has attracted scientists from nearly 40 countries to participate actively, and nearly 300 papers have been received; well-known brands such as Nestle, UCC, illy and Hougu have signed up for the conference. The organizing committee of the conference said that the investment promotion of this conference will continue and will attract more well-known enterprises at home and abroad to participate in the conference. At present, more than 60 countries, including France, Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Indonesia, Japan, Brazil, Britain, India, Ivory Coast, Colombia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana, have been confirmed to participate, with hundreds of representatives.

For Yunnan, which accounts for 99% of the country's coffee production, the World Coffee Science Congress held in Yunnan Province will help Yunnan Province and China's coffee industry to develop in the international direction, improve the status of Yunnan coffee in Asia and the world, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the coffee industry in Yunnan Province