Coffee review

Malaysia Dinghe White Coffee upgraded version of Dingdu White Coffee officially entered the Chinese market

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, White coffee is a native product of Malaysia, which has a history of more than 100 years. In September last year, Malaysian Dinh White Coffee entered the Chinese market and sales were booming. A year later, the upgraded version of Dingdu White Coffee was officially introduced into China by Shenzhen Royal International Trading Co., Ltd. According to the person in charge of the company, Cai Dong, Dingdu White Coffee adheres to the advantages of Malaysian white coffee.

White coffee is a native product of Malaysia, which has a history of more than 100 years. In September last year, Malaysian Dinh White Coffee entered the Chinese market and sales were booming. A year later, Dingdu White Coffee, the upgraded version of Dinghe White Coffee, was officially introduced into China by Shenzhen Royal International Trading Co., Ltd. According to the relevant person in charge of the company, Cai Dong, the "Dingdu" white coffee adheres to the high quality of Malaysian white coffee and is more effective than the discontinued Dinghe white coffee.

White coffee is the best coffee.

White coffee has a long history. at that time, Nanyang Chinese from Guangdong and Fujian provinces not only needed coffee to refresh themselves, but also feared the dryness and heat of deep-roasted coffee, so they developed white coffee with high-grade Liberica, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans and super skim cream raw materials, roasted at moderate and mild temperatures and processed with special processes to remove a large amount of caffeine. It retains the original color and flavor of coffee, but the color is lighter and softer than ordinary coffee, with a touch of milk golden yellow and pure taste.

Cai Dong said that the upgraded Dingdu White Coffee selects valuable selected coffee beans, which are completely free of impurities such as wheat and corn kernels, and have a pure taste. In the production process, the traditional unique process through low-temperature baking (baking), without adding any artificial additives or caramel, the natural mellow aroma of coffee can be retained to the maximum. Dingdu white coffee can be brewed directly, and it will not turn sour like black coffee after cooling, and it does not contain trans fat. A cup of 100 grams of unsweetened Dingdu white coffee has only 2.55 kcal.

The upgraded white coffee is more effective.

Coffee, usually used as a drink, in fact, it also has many effects, comparable to health products, such as digestive, antioxidant, pain relief and so on. Dingdu white coffee with pure ingredients and advanced production technology is more effective than ordinary coffee.

It is reported that Dingdu White Coffee contains nutrients such as free fatty acids, caffeine and tannin, and nicotinic acid contains vitamin B, which can promote metabolism, activate digestive organs, improve skin dullness, and promote liver and kidney activating collaterals. the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol is digested quickly and decomposed into water and carbon dioxide, which has the function of relieving alcohol. It can promote metabolism, help the liver process the waste in the body and discharge it through the kidneys, effectively eliminate fatigue; it can also promote heart health and improve blood circulation in the body. The most important thing is that it is not addictive.

Cai Dong also said that in response to the problem that most people are worried that coffee will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, the market research results of the upgraded version of Dingdu White Coffee show that it is not hot and dry, does not catch fire, has a high absorption rate, and has no adverse stimulation to the gastrointestinal tract. After drinking, you don't have to worry about not sleeping at night. It can even make your sleep better.