Coffee review

Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center is expected to be officially listed in Kunming & #8203; by the end of August.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is reported that Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center is expected to be officially listed in Kunming by the end of August. At the same time, more than 20 coffee enterprises in our province have jointly set up the Preparatory Committee of Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center. The spot trading center. The benefits of setting up a spot trading center for millions of farmers in our province are obvious. In the face of unexpected weather factors, the price of coffee rises and falls like a roller coaster. Cannon.

It is reported that Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center is expected to be officially listed in Kunming by the end of August. At the same time, more than 20 coffee enterprises in our province have jointly set up the Preparatory Committee of Yunnan Coffee spot Trading Center. The spot trading center.

The benefits of setting up a spot trading center for millions of farmers in our province are obvious. in the face of unexpected weather factors, coffee prices rise and fall like a roller coaster, and the interests of farmers are seriously damaged. It is understood that the spot trading center will provide a series of services to farmers, such as sending coffee to the warehouse of the spot trading center, withdrawing 70% of the cash, selling it when the market is good, and obtaining the rest of the profits. in this way, the interests of farmers can be protected to the maximum extent. The establishment of the spot center will also solve the problem of insufficient financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers for a long time, and give full play to the role of industrial integration and financial services.