Coffee review

Korean coffee has fallen collectively in China: coffee has been "besieged on all sides" with you.

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, During the year when coffee accompanied you in the Chinese market, other Korean coffee chains almost encountered a similar situation. The one that has been exposed recently is Shenzhen Hollis Food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Hollis). Since last year, Hollis has owed more than 20 suppliers more than 2 million yuan, not only procrastinating the suppliers again and again, but also refusing to show up.

Coffee accompanies you in the Chinese market through the ordeal of this year, other Korean coffee chain brands almost encountered a similar situation.

Recently exposed problems are Shenzhen Hollis Catering Management Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as: Hollis). Since last year, Hollis owed more than 20 suppliers more than 2 million yuan, not only delayed the suppliers, but also refused to show up at the company's senior management.

Its proud 4000-square-meter direct-sale store, which opened in Shenzhen in 2013, has also closed. Interestingly, the company headquarters was also moved from Shenzhen to Guangzhou. Although its official website explained the relocation of the company headquarters, the contact number it left was never answered.

The stories are surprisingly similar. Public information shows that Hollis owes money not only to suppliers, but also to franchisees.

More similar is "birth." HOLLYS Coffee was founded in 1998 and is one of the four major coffee brands in Korea. Like coffee accompanying you, in 2012, Guangzhou Dongling Group and Hollis Coffee held hands, officially introduced Hollis Coffee into China, and established Hollis (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Hollis is Hollis Coffee's China distributor.

The crisis of Hollis, there is also news that there is a problem between the investor and Hollis. More sources revealed that the matter was caused by "cheating by procurement personnel, and the group has already dealt with it accordingly." In fact, no matter who is the "protagonist" of the problem, the damage to the Hollis brand has become a fact.

And so on, and zoo coffee. As early as January this year, zoo coffee had a similar crisis. The story of closing stores and franchisees running money has been staged in Beijing, Zhengzhou and other places.

Zoo Coffee was born in Korea in 2009. In 2013, the franchise model opened in China. According to incomplete statistics of industry insiders, at present, the number of stores in China has been nearly 300. In other words, although zoo coffee is not as fast as coffee to accompany you, its expansion pace should not be underestimated, of course, there are hidden dangers that should not be underestimated.

Similar is, zoo coffee has also been spread to be cat poop coffee acquisition news. Except that this news was denied by Liao Kui.

When asked whether cat excrement coffee loves Korean coffee, Liao Kui said, A brand can develop rapidly in the market, Must have its reason, These two companies (Coffee accompany you, Zoo coffee) In the early stage in the market have good performance, But also XiaoHe, Too much dependence on joining is not long-term. "When we talk about acquisition, it's not about its brand connotation. Rapid expansion of market share is the goal."

He also stressed that mergers and acquisitions are indeed an effective way for many companies that want to make their plates bigger before going public, as is cat poop coffee. Through mergers and acquisitions, the number of stores can be increased in the shortest time, sales revenue and total profit can be increased, and the influence of the brand can be further expanded. Of course, M & A is not to blindly increase the number of stores, but to comprehensively introduce the operation mechanism of cat excrement coffee to the stores after merger, so as to improve the overall profitability of the company and lay a good foundation for listing.

Along with the frequent bad news from Korean coffee, another voice and uneasiness quickly spread in the coffee industry. The Korean Coffee Group fell, and the Korean Coffee Group lost in China…"Just like the coffee that can still be managed by franchisees without the headquarters, it is still difficult to say for sure." There are always reasonable people who have their own opinions.

In Liao Kui's view, the development status quo of Korean coffee is actually a reflection of the current Chinese coffee market. "If a brand does not really build its core competitiveness, it will eventually be abandoned by the market."

Unfortunately, nowadays, coffee accompanies you in the development of Korea itself is also in trouble.

Some media have publicly reported that coffee accompanies you in South Korea to lose money in succession, close more than 80 stores, recently acquired 38% equity, and expedition Southeast Asian market... Whether the competition in the Korean coffee market intensifies or its own bottleneck needs to be broken, Korean coffee is time to quiet down.