Coffee review

Heilongjiang Coffee Industry and Communication Alliance has set up more than 400 Bingcheng Cafe.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Heilongjiang coffee industry and social alliance was established in Harbin. The reporter learned that according to incomplete statistics, there are more than 400 coffee shops in Harbin at present. In the future, our province will explore growing coffee beans in South America, and then sell these coffee beans back to China. Or will build bonded warehouses in Harbin to reduce the cost of coffee. It is reported that the purpose of Heilongjiang coffee industry alliance is to unite the coffee industry.

Heilongjiang coffee industry and social alliance was established in Harbin. The reporter learned that according to incomplete statistics, there are more than 400 coffee shops in Harbin at present. In the future, our province will explore growing coffee beans in South America, and then sell these coffee beans back to China. Or will build bonded warehouses in Harbin to reduce the cost of coffee.

It is reported that the purpose of the Heilongjiang Coffee Industry Alliance is to unite relevant enterprises in the coffee industry, establish a self-discipline mechanism, promote coffee culture and spread coffee knowledge, standardize the standards of the coffee industry in the province, facilitate industry integration, enhance the viability and service level of the coffee industry, and promote the stable development of the industry market. Build a public service platform for coffee industry with talent sharing, technology sharing, market expansion and project docking, and further promote exchanges and cooperation between coffee industry in our province and at home and abroad. At present, there are 17 executive directors and 45 members of the alliance.