Coffee review

Coffee exports from El Salvador declined by 17.3%, about 132,000 government dollars less than the previous year.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The city of El Salvador has a large number of 16th-century buildings and religious buildings, many of which are decorated with 17th-and 18th-century carvings and stripes made of colored mud, reflecting the characteristics of the colonial period. Its overall characteristics are described through a forest of monuments and consistent ideas. All this shows that El Salvador is a city with a suitable structure for the colony.

The city of El Salvador has a large number of 16th-century buildings and religious buildings, many of which are decorated with 17th-and 18th-century carvings and stripes made of colored mud, reflecting the characteristics of the colonial period. Its overall characteristics are described through a forest of monuments and consistent ideas. All this shows that El Salvador is a famous example of a city that is structurally suitable for colonies.

Bahia culture originated from the African slave culture at that time, and the traditional music, dance, art, food and living habits of Africans can be found and seen in Bahia. In the square of El Salvador, black women can often be seen knitting small braids for non-black girls, and some black people are selling black jewelry, musical instruments and blankets. Various activities bring a strong sensory stimulation to tourists from other places. Today, the ancient city is still the center of the development and spread of Brazilian black culture. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to see the mysterious Candomble religious ritual.

This means that Salvadoran coffee exports are down 17.3% this harvest year, revenue is down 28.3%, and average prices are down 13.27%, CSC said.

According to statistics, the total output of coffee in El Salvador last harvest year exceeded 925,160 cm, while in the current harvest year it was only 778,355 cm, a reduction of 15.86%.

According to the Salvadoran Coffee Commission (CSC), from October 2015 to September this year, El Salvador exported a total of 630000 2669 grams of coffee, with a total value of US $1948 million. The average unit price of coffee in the international market this year is US $173.06.

According to CSC records, Salvadoran coffee was exported in the 2014-2015 harvest year, with a total value of US $152.69 million, and the average unit price of coffee was as high as US $199.55 per gram.

According to local industry statistics, Salvadoran coffee exports declined by 17.3% in the 2015-2016 harvest year, a decrease of about 132, 000 centimeters from the previous year.