Coffee review

The present situation and Development of China's Coffee Industry in Yunnan Coffee Industry Development Forum

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Han Huaizong, a famous coffee scholar in Taiwan, believes that Yunnan is the largest coffee production base in China, and its strong coffee atmosphere has attracted countless enthusiasts. Through the continuous efforts of farmers and coffee enterprises for many years, the quality of coffee in Yunnan has made great progress. Although the output of coffee in Yunnan is increasing every year, the proportion of high-quality coffee is relatively high.

Han Huaizong, a famous coffee scholar in Taiwan, believes that Yunnan is the largest coffee production base in China, and its strong coffee atmosphere has attracted countless enthusiasts. Through the continuous efforts of farmers and coffee enterprises for many years, the quality of coffee in Yunnan has made great progress. Although the output of coffee in Yunnan is increasing every year, the proportion of high-quality coffee is relatively small. He believes that on the basis of ensuring the cultivation of Yunnan coffee, we should pay attention to the post-processing of coffee, use higher standards of production technology, improve the performance-to-price ratio of Yunnan coffee, and produce more high-quality coffee, so that more coffee lovers can buy high-quality Yunnan coffee in the market.

At the forum, Ted Ringer, Senior Advisor of Yunnan Coffee Trading Center, Dong Zhihua, Executive Committee of China Coffee Alliance, Chen Zhenjia, Executive Director of China Coffee Research Center, Jiang Chengzhe, runner-up of world coffee roasting in 2013, Shu Yang, General Manager of Yunnan Coffee Trading Center, Han Huaizong, a famous coffee scholar from Taiwan, and Feng Haijun, General Manager of Xishuangbanna Common language Coffee Development Co., Ltd. At the same time, experts and scholars share a lot of coffee knowledge and contribute to the development of Yunnan coffee industry through keynote speeches and case sharing.

On December 17, 2016, the second Yunnan Coffee Cup China Brewing final and Baoshan Coffee Culture Festival continued to heat up. The Yunnan Coffee Industry Development Forum, as the highlight of this competition, also kicked off today. Experts, scholars and representatives of coffee enterprises from home and abroad gathered together to discuss the current situation and development of China's coffee industry and make suggestions for the development of Yunnan coffee industry.