Coffee review

How to operate and manage a coffee shop-four tips for running a coffee shop successfully

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Tips for choosing coffee beans Coffee raw beans must be divided

1. The key to choosing coffee beans

Raw coffee beans must be sorted, roasted, ground and other production processes. The so-called roasting is to stir-fry coffee until it is fragrant and easy to grind.

As for the economic environment faced by the small and medium-sized cafes that have opened at present, it should be discussed more deeply, first of all, pay attention to the trends of the peers around the coffee shop, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and at the same time consider whether the customer class of their own stores has changed. further make appropriate adjustments in the management system. To shape their own business style and become a coffee shop with personality is a feature that must be established in the operation of small and medium-sized cafes.

The operation of cafes, big or small, can no longer rely solely on intuition or experience, but must have an overall operation plan (including business plan, commodity plan, procurement plan, sales promotion plan, manpower plan, funding plan, financial plan, etc.). Through implementation efforts In order to establish an invincible position in the highly competitive market, it is necessary to establish a clear positioning of cafes, the differentiation of coffee and beverage composition, the systematization of customer management and the flexibility of service mix in operation.

Tips for the management of the business circle

Of course, it is impossible for a cafe operator to know nothing except the situation of the shop. He must know exactly what the range of customers who come to the store is. And in-depth investigation of the area's population, income, occupation profile and consumption characteristics. In order to grasp the consumption habits of this area, in order to carry out a series of sales activities according to its needs, this is the so-called "business circle management".

Usually in the operation of the coffee shop, in order to effectively grasp the characteristics and distribution area of the customer layer, we can often use the response survey of customers' opinions or through special offers. Attract, make use of the distribution of direct letters or leaflets. Give a special offer or gift and ask it to leave basic information (name, age, sex, occupation, address, etc.). In this way, the distribution of customers in Xiaolai store can be measured.

If we can establish this data for a long time, analyze it deeply, remove a small number of customers in obviously distant areas, and only study and judge the areas with a large number of people, we can roughly grasp the distribution of the business circle. If we can make progress through the effective implementation of promotional activities and systematically sort out and classify store customer data in the future, it will provide a lot of help for the training and maintenance of basic customers. Especially for the so-called community cafe, the effective mastery of the business area and the analysis of the customer level will be an important task for the successful operation of the coffee shop, so the management of the business area is a very important part of the development performance of the coffee shop.

In the cafe. The attraction of coffee must be very strong, no matter what kind of coffee, if the price is on the high side, or the coffee quality is poor, the composition is not complete, or the stock of coffee is not enough, it will immediately affect sales, and naturally it is not easy to increase regular customers. In the operation of coffee shops, they have to face not only competition from various cafes in the region, but also competition from various shops, so "the charm of coffee" has become the basis for the success of shops.

Third, the key to excellent service

Quality management and services as an overall strategy require constant attention-integrated processes such as business plans, coffee procurement, coffee development, stock management, and even logistics commodity operations, are closely related to the enhancement of coffee commodities.

Secondly, the service staff of the cafe are waiting for guests. To have elegant posture, and pay attention to clothing, makeup and other appearance; when receiving customers, there should be appropriate expression, attitude and appropriate response. All waiters should have a wealth of coffee knowledge, timely explanation for customers, but also have the ability to negotiate. The interior decoration facilities, charming and aesthetic bar display and store lighting should be used effectively, and the publicity effect of advertising media should be further strengthened to provide various service measures.