Coffee review

There is a marketing philosophy everywhere in coffee franchisees. Let's learn from the big shots.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Although the cup-shaped activity is ingenious in design, I don't advocate it. If you know Luo Yonghao, then you must know this, that is, I'm sorry, sir. This is the big cup, and this is the medium cup, which comes from the clip of the online movie pony. Why did this bullshit happen? We came to see the Starbucks display cup holder and asked which one is the big cup. I asked 10 people, 10.

Cup-shaped "activity"

Although this design is ingenious, but I do not advocate, if you know "Luo Yonghao", then you must know this, that is, "excuse me, sir, this is the big cup, this is the medium cup", from the clip of the online movie "Pony". Why did this bullshit happen? After we took a look at the Starbucks display cup holder, we asked which one was a big cup. I asked 10 people, and 10 people thought that the top one was a big cup, but if you look at the text at the bottom of the cup carefully, I actually write "extra large cup". Have you been tricked?

When you order coffee, the coffee franchisee waiter will ask you, sir, do you want a medium cup or a large cup? obviously, you think the large cup is the top one, and only 3 yuan more than the medium cup, you will answer "big cup".

This is human nature. There are "high, middle and low" and "large, medium and small" in people's brain consciousness. As long as three things are put together, big, medium and small will be automatically labeled, regardless of the words written below.

Out of curiosity, you might ask, "what about the small cup?" Yes, there are small cups. They put them in the drawer. If you say you want a small cup, they will show it to you. When you see it, I'm sure your balls will hurt. If you don't believe me, try it.

When you see it, I make sure you don't order, and have you noticed that the price of small cups is not written on all the menus of their coffee franchise, which is hidden by default, just like a computer program?

These two points are detailed marketing done by Starbucks as a big name in the industry, which you can learn if you open a coffee franchise or even a cold drink shop.

There is only one purpose, that is, to let coffee franchisee customers move forward automatically in the comparison, choose greater than or equal to "large cup", do you understand what it means?

When you see such a price tag, you will compare that the large cup is only 3 yuan more expensive than the medium cup, of course, the large cup is only 3 yuan more expensive, for a cup of 30 yuan coffee, the customer who chooses the large cup is as high as 90%. Now you're done, but it's not. When you decide to buy a big cup, you're excited to find that the extra-large cup costs only 36 yuan.

In this way, when customers think in their own minds, they raise their own price anchor step by step, and then say, "waiter, I want a large cup". Note that the coffee franchise waiter does not guide your consumption, it is your own decision.

Do you want to know why? I'm telling you, this is determined by human nature, or the way the brain works.